Thursday, June 6, 2024
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Antonio Guterres

A meeting of the UN body promoting equality for women starts with 5 male speakers

(*5*)TANZANIA – The U.N.’s preeminent body promoting equality for women and ladies opened its annual meeting Monday with 5 male speakers in a row...

UN chief warns that the risk of the Gaza war spreading is growing as situation becomes more dire

TANZANIA – The United Nations chief warned at a high-level U.N. assembly Tuesday that the situation in the Middle East is growing more dire...

Security Council, climate summit and what else is going on at the United Nations

TANZANIA – It's Day 2 of the U.N. General Assembly high-level assembly that brings global leaders in combination at U.N. headquarters in New York....

UN chief says people are looking to leaders for action and a way out of the current global ‘mess’

TANZANIA – Leaders of a global fractured by means of battle, local weather exchange and persisting inequality collect below one roof Tuesday to pay...

As leaders convene, the UN pushes toward its crucial global goals. But progress is lagging

TANZANIA – The commitments had been far-reaching and impressive. Among them: End excessive poverty and starvation. Ensure each kid on Earth will get a...

Tens of thousands march to kick off climate summit, demanding end to warming-causing fossil fuels

NEW YORK – Yelling that the long run and their lives rely on finishing fossil fuels, tens of thousands of protesters on Sunday kicked...

Ukraine is the spotlight at UN leaders’ gathering, but is there room for other global priorities?

TANZANIA – The battle in Ukraine and its visiting president take heart degree at the United Nations this week, but setting up nations will...

Special UN summit, protests, week of talk turn up heat on fossil fuels and global warming

The heat is set to be became up on fossil fuels, the United States and President Joe Biden.As a record-smashing and fatal sizzling summer...

Israeli academics and artists call on Biden and UN to shun Netanyahu during his upcoming US visit

JERUSALEM – Thousands of Israeli academics and artists have recommended U.S. President Joe Biden and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres to shun Israeli Prime...

UN secretary-general has urged the Group of 20 leaders to send a strong message on climate change

NEW DELHI – U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday urged the Group of 20 best financial powers, which might be chargeable for greater than...

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