Sunday, June 9, 2024
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48 Hours

“48 Hours” investigates the murder of a young Florida nurse

"48 Hours" is ready to delve into the case of the murder of a young nurse in Florida. The investigation facilities round the disappearance...

Lamar Johnson: Standing in Truth

Lamar Johnson's tale is one in every of perseverance, staying power, and fact. After spending 28 years in jail for a criminal offense he...

Lamar Johnson: “I am a freed man, an exonerated man and a blessed man”

Lamar Johnson, a man from St. Louis, Missouri, were imprisoned for nearly 30 years earlier than he used to be in spite of everything...

What happened the night Chip Flynn was shot?

Watch CBS News to find what befell on the night Chip Flynn was shot. The case of Crosley Green hinges on the testimony of...

Witness whose lie helped put an innocent man in prison speaks out on “48 Hours”

Lamar Johnson, a resident of Missouri, was once declared innocent of a homicide he didn't devote in February, after spending about thirty years in...

Alisa Mathewson’s 55 hours of terror

On March 11, 2017, CBS News reported at the terrifying 55-hour ordeal that Alisa Mathewson persevered by the hands of Trevor Summers. According to...

Alisa Mathewson on facing her ex in court: “I’m not afraid of him anymore”

Alisa Mathewson lately confronted a troublesome state of affairs in court docket, as she testified in opposition to her ex-husband who she claims sexually...

Alisa Mathewson, Florida mom, describes rescue after being held captive by estranged husband Trevor Summers: “I’d been pulled from hell”

Trevor Summers, a person from Florida, manipulated his youngsters into helping him in a faux reconciliation along with his estranged spouse, Alisa. Trevor even...

Crosley Green’s Hard Time – CBS News

Crosley Green has persevered a difficult revel in. After being launched from jail, he used to be despatched again two years later for a...

Alisa Mathewson’s Night Terrors – CBS News

Alisa Mathewson's Night Terrors: CBS News Brings You the Full Story In an exciting and terrifying story, a lady is focused in her sleep and...

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