Sunday, June 2, 2024

Survivors, doctors call for ovarian cancer awareness

SAN ANTONIO – Even 8 months later, June Salazar mentioned she will take note the whole lot that took place on Jan. 25, 2023.

“I was terrified,” Salazar mentioned. “I felt like I was already given a death sentence.”

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Doctors identified Salazar with Stage 1 ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a kind of cancer that begins within the ovaries for each one in 78 girls.

There is not any simple technique to stumble on this cancer and doctors mentioned its signs are steadily obscure.

September marks Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and Salazar mentioned she desires extra girls to be at the alert.

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“I knew that there was something wrong and I just put it off,” Salazar mentioned.

Salazar mentioned ahead of being identified, she was once bloated, had serious cramps and was once experiencing hip pains. It was once when that ache turned into insufferable that she went to the Emergency Room.

After scans, doctors discovered two plenty on her ovaries. Salazar mentioned she opted to have a hysterectomy together with her doctors’ suggestions.

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After the surgical operation, doctors had been ready to verify that it was once cancer.

“They took everything,” Salazar mentioned. “They took my ovaries, my fallopian tubes, my cervix, everything.”

Dr. Yasmin Lyons is a gynecologic oncologist with UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Lyons mentioned ovarian cancer is ranked 5th in cancer deaths amongst girls. She mentioned figuring out the indicators and signs can assist cut back a girl’s dangers.

“Unfortunately for ovarian cancer, there’s no good way to screen for it, meaning to try and detect it early,” Lyons mentioned. “Typically, people aren’t diagnosed until the cancer has already spread from their pelvis up to their upper abdomen.”

Common signs of ovarian cancer come with bloating, pelvic or stomach ache, bother consuming or feeling complete briefly, and the widespread want to urinate.

UT Health reviews that girls who’re middle-aged or older, who’ve an in depth circle of relatives member who has had ovarian cancer, the ones with an Eastern European or Ashkenazi Jewish background, or any individual who hasn’t ever given delivery or has had bother getting pregnant are maximum in peril.

Lyons mentioned ovarian cancer is steadily detected thru a mix of pelvic checks, imaging exams, Ultrasounds, CA-125 Blood exams and CT scans.

“Without having that actual tissue, we don’t have a diagnosis yet,” Lyons mentioned. “I like to tell my patients, let’s just take it one step at a time.”

Dr. James Wilder, a gynecologic oncologist with the Baptist Health System, mentioned the patience of signs is what to control.

“It is a disease that has improved in the treatment,” Wilder mentioned. “People are living a lot longer.”

After a hysterectomy and chemotherapy, Salazar was once declared cancer-free on Aug. 31.

While the cancer may just come again, she mentioned all she will do is hang on to wish and hang directly to her circle of relatives.

“Cancer doesn’t care who you are,” Salazar mentioned. “It doesn’t care how much money you have. It doesn’t care about if you’re a good person. From my diagnosis, I tried to read as much as I could.”

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