Sunday, June 30, 2024

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem indicated that she hasn’t been formally vetted to be Trump’s running mate

North Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on Sunday mentioned that former President Donald Trump will have to pick out a running mate that “will help him win,” and indicated that she has now not been formally vetted for the location.

“I haven’t received any paperwork. No, I haven’t,” Noem informed NBC’s “Meet the Press, adding, “I’ve had conversations with the President, and I know that he is the only one who will be making the decisions on who will be his vice president.”

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Earlier this month, Noem suggested that having a woman on the ticket might be particularly helpful to Trump, telling CNN, “All the polls tell him in these swing states that a woman on the ticket helps him win.”

But when visitor moderator Peter Alexander requested on Sunday whether or not Trump would be creating a mistake by way of now not settling on a lady for the price ticket, Noem would not say so.

“He needs to pick the best person for the job,” Noem informed Alexander, including that Trump will have to “pick someone that will help him win.”

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NBC News reported on Friday that Trump’s vice presidential seek has narrowed to focal point on 3 Republican males: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.

Noem had been seen as a best contender on Trump’s vice presidential shortlist however confronted backlash previous this yr about an anecdote she informed in a memoir about killing her circle of relatives’s younger canine.

Asked whether or not what she wrote in her e book value her a shot at being vice chairman, Noem declined to resolution most effective announcing, “I would say that that was a story from 20 years ago about me protecting my children from a vicious animal.”

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She added later, “The reason it’s in my book is because that book is filled with challenging times and hard decisions.”

The e book additionally confronted grievance after positive portions had been disputed, together with claims she met with North Korean chief Kim Jong Un.

Future editions of the e book will not include the North Korea anecdote, which her spokesperson later said was once inaccurate.

“I’m not going to talk about that,” Noem mentioned Sunday, including, “I took that line out of my book, and I’m not going to talk about it.”

Noem additionally spoke about her perspectives on abortion, that are at odds with Trump’s. South Dakota has probably the most restrictive bans at the process within the nation, now not permitting exceptions for rape and incest. Meanwhile, Trump has mentioned that he does support such exceptions.

The governor argued that her state’s legislation isn’t at odds with Trump’s perspectives, that are that regulations governing abortion will have to be made on the state degree.

“I would say that it’s going to look different,” Noem mentioned Sunday, “[Trump] said that many times over. In fact, you know, in our state specifically, the people decide.”

The governor additionally echoed Trump’s place on pardoning the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Every one of those cases needs to be looked at individually,” Noem mentioned, including, “[Pardons] will be based on his prerogative and his decision when he looks at those cases.”

The former president has mentioned that he’s going to “absolutely” believe pardoning each individual convicted following their motion on January 6.

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