Saturday, June 8, 2024

Some SA businesses find their own solutions as winter nears, worries arise of energy grid

SAN ANTONIO – Angela Cordoba mentioned even in chilly climate, she nonetheless scoops ice cream.

“Yes, absolutely,” Cordoba mentioned. “The customers come for ice cream. It doesn’t matter.”

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For Cordoba, the landlord of Freshest Ice Creams, getting thru this previous summer time used to be a battle. Cordoba couldn’t stay temperatures cool sufficient in her retailer to stay the ice cream from beginning to soften, and she or he used to be no longer on my own.

Cordoba mentioned now, weeks into the autumn season, she’s in the end seeing aid with less warm temperatures. But as the winter nears, she’s frightened about the possibility of instability within the Texas energy grid.

“My machines, these are my babies,” Cordoba mentioned. “If something happens, it would be, ‘Oh my God.’”

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Just this week, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation mentioned that 180 million other people around the United States may just lose energy this winter. Jim Matheson, the CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, mentioned Texas is a state that would see problems.

“The risk is getting worse and worse,” Matheson mentioned. “We’re using more electricity than we were two years ago, and yet the supply really hasn’t kept up with that in terms of the always available generation.”

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association lobbies on behalf of 900 electrical co-ops around the nation, and 70 in Texas.

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A spokesperson with the affiliation reported that those co-ops in Texas supply energy to greater than 3 million other people.

Matheson mentioned he sees new information as a wake-up call.

“We got to get in front of this and change that trend,” Matheson mentioned. “Under the extreme cold situation where demand for electricity goes way up, there could be a real problem.”

Matheson mentioned this presentations the desire for coverage associated with energy-resource expansions.

“There’s concern there isn’t going to be enough electric generating supply to meet the demand,” Matheson mentioned. “There’s no question the state of Texas understands this is an issue and that’s why Prop 7 exists.”

Voters in Texas handed Proposition 7 simply this week. This would create the Texas Energy Fund to assist firms construct or improve electricity-generating crops.

But till votes are finalized, Cordoba mentioned she’s get a hold of her own solutions to stay alongside of energy call for. She’s resorted to turning off her thermostat and the use of a winter-friendly menu.

“I have my special menu,” Cordoba mentioned. “For the planet, for the environment. For us. For money.”

Proposition 7 used to be only one of 13 constitutional amendments in Texas to cross within the election. To learn up at the leisure, click on right here.

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