Residents, Florida Legislative Black Caucus meet

Residents, Florida Legislative Black Caucus meet

About 50 residents and community leaders gathered at the Quality of Life Center on Saturday to share their thoughts, concerns and questions with the Florida Legislative Black Caucus.

About 50 residents and neighborhood leaders gathered on the Quality of Life Center in Fort Myers on Saturday to share their ideas, issues and questions with the Florida Legislative Black Caucus.

The city corridor began at 1:30 p.m. with viewers members given two minutes to talk. Following the city corridor legislative members got a tour of the Dunbar, Harlem Heights and Lehigh Acres communities. 

Fort Myers resident Linda Bilal stated she attended the city corridor for a number of causes.

“I’m a concerned citizen,” stated 71-year-old-Bilal. “As a Fort Myers resident, the hurricane has affected everybody in their own way.  Even if it wasn’t materialistic it affected our psyche. I’ve never experienced anything like that. Whether you’ve experienced this before or this was your first time we just need to support each other.”

Bilal stated the street to restoration is totally different for everybody.

“I think it’s going to be especially hard for the people that were hit really hard, the people that lost everything,” stated Bilal. ‘Will they ever recover to where they were in their lives before the hurricane?’ I do not assume so. I believe our regular has modified. We should rethink what regular is. What’s regular for you may not be regular for me and vice versa.”

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