Saturday, June 22, 2024

North Texas Equine Therapy Center Holds Fundraiser – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

At (*5*)in Roanoke, horseback using is not only a sport or recreation, it’s remedy.

“So horses are very healing,” Victory Therapy Center Managing Director of Development Becky Rasbeary mentioned. “We’ve seen people take their first step because of physical therapy…we’ve watched people deal and heal from trauma because of the power of the horse.”

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Victory Therapy Center supplies therapeutic using and bodily remedy on horseback for kids, adults, veterans, first responders and their households.

“When you sit on a horse and you ride, your pelvis moves just like you’re walking,” bodily remedy assistant Iris Melton mentioned as she labored alongside 4-year-old Sophie to assist her with stability and power.

The Center says there was a marked improve in demand for therapeutic using because the pandemic, with a ready checklist of greater than 50 individuals.

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“A majority of the phone calls we’re receiving now are teenagers that have dealt with isolation and depression and anxiety,” Rasbeary mentioned.

The Rode to Victory fundraiser is on October 15 at Victory Therapy Center in Roanoke. Rasbeary mentioned a number of the cash raised will assist pay for scholarships for purchasers who need assistance.

If you’d wish to make a donation, click here. For tickets click here.

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story by The Texas Tribune Source link

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