Friday, June 21, 2024

Montana’s off-limits — except for Gov. Gavin Newsom

California Gov. Gavin Newsom hates Montana’s supposedly anti-LGBTQ legal guidelines a lot that he’s banned all state-funded journey there — however not a lot to shun the purple state himself: He simply traveled there for his trip.

Newsom maintains a ban on taxpayer-funded journeys to Montana and 21 different states due to their purportedly anti-LGBTQ legislation banning transgender athletes from competing in ladies’s sports activities. It’s not clear what influence such a ban may presumably have, apart from to virtue-signal, however the Democratic gov can’t even keep out of the state himself as a symbolic gesture — which form of defeats the purpose, no?   

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Of course, this specific double customary (“My security detail and I can visit Montana, but other state workers can’t”) isn’t Newsom’s first: Recall how he feasted in a Michelin-star restaurant throughout the pandemic (maskless, natch) whereas banning indoor eating for everybody else? And enrolled his children in non-public, in-person faculty whereas public colleges needed to stay shut?

Nor is he the one pol, significantly amongst Democrats, who likes to set guidelines for others whereas exempting himself. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Gov. Andrew Cuomo — the record is limitless — all blithely violated COVID guidelines they touted in a method or one other.

Now Newsom could also be eyeing a run for president; he simply ran an advert in Florida attacking its governor, Ron DeSantis, and boasting about himself. If he does, don’t be stunned to see him stump there; California’s ban on journey to Florida isn’t going to cease him.

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