Saturday, June 29, 2024

Miami-Dade School Board overwhelmingly votes against recognizing LGBTQ month

MIAMI, Fla. — The Miami-Dade School Board overwhelming determined against recognizing October as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer History month which included a measure to show twelfth graders about two Supreme Court instances affecting the LGBTQ group.

Parents, academics and college students spoke for greater than three hours Wednesday, with one group citing indoctrination of scholars and the opposite talking about how Nazis ostracized gays and lesbians with a pink triangle. The board then voted 8-1 against the measure, which was proffered by board member Lucia Baez Geller.

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Outside the varsity board’s headquarters, the place individuals waited to talk throughout the assembly, a bunch of Proud Boys acquired right into a loud argument with somebody hoisting a trans flag, the Miami Herald reported.

“There is an election year and the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric is a tool used by some to spread misinformation,” Baez Geller stated. “This is just plain disinformation.”

She advised the newspaper the measure “is mostly to recognize the dignity and the respect for each other.” She additionally famous that seniors may choose out of studying concerning the two Supreme Court instances — Obergefell v. Hodges, which acknowledges same-sex marriage, and Bostock v. Clayton County, which says an employer can’t hearth somebody for being homosexual or transgender.

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Throughout the 12 months, different months are acknowledged to show college students about historical past, together with Hispanic Heritage, Black historical past and ladies’s historical past. October is National LGBT History Month.

Last 12 months, the varsity board acknowledged LGBTQ month, however didn’t embody the availability so as to add the 2 Supreme Court instances.

School Board member Christ Fraga, who was the lone opponent of recognizing LGBTG month final 12 months, stated she thinks “endorsing and putting it out as something that everyone has to participate in does start to cross a line of imposition onto family values.”

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Among those who opposed the measure, some said it went against their religious beliefs while others said the board was abiding in the indoctrination and sexual abuse of children. Some falsely claimed the measure would adopt new curriculum for students to learn about LGBTQ+ issues without parental consent.

Earlier this year, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis championed a law that bans lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, which critics dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” invoice.

The governor additionally acquired concerned in campaigning for varsity board races this 12 months, endorsing two candidates in Miami-Dade who gained races for seats on the already conservative board final week. Those candidates don’t take workplace till November.

Max Tover, a pastor and dad or mum within the district, led these exterior in a prayer, asking that the board members reject the movement. He advised the Herald that passing the measure is “a Trojan Horse.”

Maxx Fenning, president and founding father of the nonprofit PRISM FL, which supplies sexual well being information to LGBTQ+ youth, likened opposition to the measure to how Nazis ostracized homosexual individuals by making them put on a pink triangle badge to replicate their sexual orientation.

The remaining vote got here round 9:45 p.m. Wednesday, after the board took a one-hour break to listen to dialogue concerning the district’s funds. Some nonetheless within the viewers cheered as others sat silently.

The Miami-Dade public college system is the nation’s fourth largest, with 331,500 college students.

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