Monday, June 10, 2024

Leon Valley Elementary School wins outdoor classroom contest

LEON VALLEY – There’s a brand new tutorial area at Leon Valley Elementary School.

“I’m so thrilled that we won this outdoor classroom,” Jenna Hudon, a STEM Lab instructor at Leon Valley Elementary School stated. “It’s such a huge piece to our community.”

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The faculty gained the Outdoor Classroom contest from Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds and unveiled the gap to the classroom Thursday morning.

“Our goal is to create outdoor learning environments. To help teachers bring their kids outside to learn. We’ve really seen impacts on stress and anxiety in children and our teachers,” stated John El-Raheb, CEO of Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds.

The corporate Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds has created those outdoor areas at over 4,000 places throughout North America. The areas are at colleges, nature facilities and hospitals.

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“Coming out here into the fresh air, into the sunlight when it’s not raining,” Hudon stated. “It really boosts the endorphins in their system and allows them to get back on track and reset and be prepared for learning when we need to go back in the classroom.”

Applications are open for colleges short of a identical outdoor classroom:

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