Sunday, June 2, 2024

Lauderhill rabbi meets good Samaritan who saved him from hate attack

LAUDERHILL, Fla. – A South Florida rabbi used to be in a position to thank the good Samaritan who stopped a brutal beating in Lauderhill previous this month.

“This is my angel, I see my angel,” sufferer Asher Moryoussef mentioned.

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It used to be on Sunday, Feb. 19 when Moryoussef, 68, used to be attacked whilst strolling house from synagogue.

Manuel Espinoza used to be using via and jumped in to assist.

“He used to be like, ‘I will kill you,” Espinoza recalled. “(I said) stop hitting that man.”

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Lauderhill police arrested 42-year-old Trevor Rodney for the beating.

“Probably, I was knocked out,” Moryoussef said. “I opened my eyes and I see him.”

Outside of the victim’s synagogue is a duplicate of the headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch in New York the place Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, referred to as The Rebbe, used to be the non secular chief.

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He passed on to the great beyond in 1994, however Moryoussef believes the rebbe used to be protective him.

“He sent a guy like this, he sent one of his followers,” he mentioned. “I wish I can be an angel.”

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