Friday, June 21, 2024

Ken Paxton joins letter asking US AG for investigation into threats against anti-abortion rights groups

Ohio led the letter {that a} whole of 19 states backed, together with Texas, Alaska, Florida and Arkansas. The letter calls the assaults in query “terroristic threats and acts directed at pro-life organizations around the country” and it accuses Garland of inaction. 

“Inaction is intolerable in our nation of laws, and it violates your oath of office,” the letter reads. “Yet, in recent weeks, you have continued to allow illegal actions seemingly because they advance (in the minds of some) the pro-abortion cause.”

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The letter says investigation ought to begin with Jane’s Revenge, an extremist pro-abortion rights group recognized to focus on disaster being pregnant facilities.

“It is the federal authorities’s job to guard the American folks against violent acts, threats and persecution,” Paxton mentioned in a press launch. “This should not change if those citizens are conservative, pro-life or align with a political party this administration opposes.”

story by The Texas Tribune Source link

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