Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gustnado spotted during North Texas severe weather

We even noticed… gustnadoes?

It’s no longer like a Sharknado, however sounds as made up as one!

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Check out this video from a viewer in Northlake appearing rotation.

There are a number of key variations between a gustnado and a twister. 

First of all, they are no longer as damaging. 

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The winds may also be enhanced with one, however they are infrequently very harmful. Another key distinction? 

They’re NOT hooked up to the bottom of thunderstorms like tornadoes. If you have a look at the video above, you will not see a lot particles flying round such as you’d be expecting to look with a twister. 

Also, it does no longer seem to be hooked up to the bottom of the thunderstorm… however forward of the vanguard of the road of thunderstorms. 

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Check out the explainer video beneath. Essentially, rain-cooled air that rushes out forward of a line of thunderstorms can from time to time result in a little bit rotation because it interacts with the nice and cozy, wet air forward of it. 

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