Saturday, June 29, 2024

Florida man arrested for making threats against Rep. Lauren Boebert on Twitter

Authorities have arrested a man from Palm Beach County, Florida, on costs of threatening Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert.

Matthew Lee Comiskey is accused of tweeting out violent messages directed on the Western Slope Republican, together with messages that learn “I got my 2 amendment tool all ready to destroy Lauren’s face. Hopefully in front of her kids” and “If I ever saw Lauren I’d be glad to take her out and go to prison. Would be a job well done.” 

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Several of the tweets talked about the Second Amendment; Boebert is a vocal supporter of gun rights.

According to the indictment, the threats got here in 5 tweets posted in August and September of final yr. Comiskey is charged with 5 counts of making interstate threats, one for every message. The costs carry a most penalty of 5 years every.

The Guardian reported {that a} federal Justice of the Peace has set Comiskey’s bond at $50,000.

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Boebert’s workplace has not launched a press release in regards to the arrest.

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