Monday, June 24, 2024

Florida firefighter comes out of retirement to pursue passion

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A Central Florida firefighter who retired after practically three many years of service could not resist the decision to return to obligation.  

Dante Farina, 56, retired from the Orlando Fire Department in 2019 after 29 years of service. He lately graduated from new coaching with the Seminole County Fire Department. 

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His spark rekindled after Farina was requested a easy query by a firefighter at one other division.

“He asked me if I miss the fire service and I said every day. He says, ‘we’re running a hiring process, you should apply.’ So I went home, spoke with my wife, and she was on board with it,” he mentioned.

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His spouse was additionally a firefighter for 20 years. But when the 56-year-old utilized, he was rejected. “I applied, and I scored in the top 10. They didn’t even touch me, they didn’t want me.”

That simply lit the hearth inside of him much more. Farina was decided to show he nonetheless had what it took.

“So I came back to Seminole County. Where it all started for me.”

Farina started his fireplace profession at Seminole County as a volunteer in 1988. They welcomed him again.

“The job is still the same. Still putting wet stuff on the red stuff. Still taking care of people. Dealing with them, the age difference, we’ve been getting along just fine. I’ve been leaning a lot from them, they’ve been learning a lot from me.”

It’s a brand new starting for a firefighter that already had a adorned profession.

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