Friday, June 28, 2024

Florida Democratic Party, Moms for Liberty conferences held in Tampa

TAMPA, Fla.  — This weekend in Tampa, lots of of individuals are gathering on each side of the aisle, rallying on points folks throughout Florida and the nation are going through as elections inch nearer.

“I was told that if you work hard, you can achieve anything you want, and I’ve been working hard my whole life, and I’m still not achieving it,” stated Alex Harris.

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Harris is a quick meals employee and Fight for $15 member, which advocates for truthful wages.

“That’s why it’s so important to elect the right officials that care about us, that stand with us,” stated Harris.

Harris stood alongside Florida staff and candidates for workplace, who all spoke on points like lack of inexpensive housing and livable wages at an occasion through the Florida Democratic Party’s Leadership Blue convention Saturday.

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The night was topped off with a gala as folks in attendance stated they hope to show Florida blue in 2022.

“Go and vote, and we always say like your life depends on it, but let me be very, very clear: it does,” stated Senator Lauren Book, a candidate for Florida State Senate.

Just throughout the road, the Moms for Liberty nationwide summit can be underway. The conservative mother group is holding periods and listening to from audio system, highlighting points in training.

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“Everyone has the right to raise their child, to direct the upbringing of their medical care, their education, their moral and religious upbringing. It’s important to us, and it should be important to all parents,” stated Tina Descovich, a Moms for Liberty Co-Founder.

As that gathering went on, one other group shaped outdoors. Activists marched to the Moms for Liberty summit in protest.

“We need people to show up to events like this to make sure they get registered, to make sure they know who’s running in elections, and what the important things are to support as far as candidates and issues,” stated Jennifer Young who attended the protest.

Both conferences run by means of the weekend.

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