Monday, June 3, 2024

Famed Oklahoma aviator remembered on 124th birthday | KSNF/KODE

OKLAHOMA – It was maybe the primary sight of an airplane for 15-year-old Wiley Post that propelled the Oklahoma youth into house. Watching a Curtiss “pusher” fly on the Lawton County (Oklahoma) Fair in 1913 modified Post’s life.

Wiley Hardeman Post was born on Nov. 22, 1898. He was the youngest of 5 kids born to small-time cotton farmers.

The sight of that first airplane not solely ignited a ardour for flying however Post went on to design a strain swimsuit that was a predecessor for check pilots’ and astronauts’ strain fits. His early experimental flights in the end proved the worth of utilizing the east-to-west jet stream, in line with the Oklahoma Historical Society.

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Post, who died in 1935 with Oklahoma humorist Will Rogers, was testing the operational capabilities of a hybrid float plain when it crashed, killing each males.

Post’s legacy is seen immediately together with his title on airports, hangars, and aeronautical faculties.

His rise to fame started in 1930 when he gained an air race between Chicago and Los Angeles. His first journey was chronicled within the 1931 e book “Around the World in Eight Days: The Flight of the Winnie Mae”, the biography states.

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The famed plane, Winnie Mae, is displayed within the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. A full-size duplicate of the airplane is displayed within the Oklahoma History Center constructing in Oklahoma City.

In 1933 Post shattered his around-the-world file with a time of seven days, eighteen hours, and forty-nine minutes. After his record-breaking flights, he experimented with high-altitude flying, in line with the Oklahoma Historical Society biography.

In 1935 Wiley Post constructed a hybrid floatplane from a Lockheed Orion. The hybrid Orion proved to be aerodynamically unstable. Shortly after takeoff within the fog on August 15, 1935, Post misplaced management of the plane. It fatally crashed into the Walakpa Lagoon close to Point Barrow, Alaska.

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Post’s stays have been transported to Oklahoma for burial. His physique lay in state within the Rotunda of the Capitol and greater than 15,000 guests seen his bronze coffin. His stays have been interred on the Memorial Park Cemetery in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Information for this story is from the Oklahoma Historical Society.

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