Dallas Methodist shooting shines light on hospital staff safety

Dallas Methodist shooting shines light on hospital staff safety

Annette Flowers and Jacqueline Pokuaa have been shot and killed at Methodist Dallas Medical Center. Organizations say healthcare employee safety has all the time been a priority.

DALLAS — They are remembered fondly by household, mates and coworkers: Annette Flowers and Jacqueline Pokuaa.

Flowers was a 63-year-old nurse. Pokuaa was a 45-year-old social employee. 

They have been on the labor and supply ground on Saturday morning at Methodist Dallas Medical Center. Police say each have been shot and killed by a suspect named Nestor Hernandez.

National Nurses United is a union that advocates for nurses throughout the nation. Jean Ross, NNU’s President and a registered nurse, describes the incident as horrific. “We mourn with you,” mentioned Ross. “Hospitals are supposed to be a place to heal. They are not supposed to be a place of harm.”

National Nurses United is pushing for laws to implement violence prevention plans for frontline employees. It consists of higher staffing, coaching and reporting with out concern of retaliation. Ross mentioned hospitals have to be on the identical web page.

Ross mentioned, “This is not supposed to be a war.”

Lawrence Garcia, CEO of Ameriguard, is a safety knowledgeable. He mentioned hospitals could be susceptible. “We have to make sure that entrance is manned with enough officers that can also check bags, run things through the magnetometer,” mentioned Garcia. 

In this example, the suspect is a identified felon on probation. Garcia mentioned extra information and entry management may have prevented this. 

“Communication is the key and being present and a deterrent at the main entrance of these places,” Garcia mentioned.

For the family members of Flowers and Pokuaa, candlelight vigils can be held on Wednesday evening on the roof of the Pavilion 2 parking storage at Methodist Dallas Medical Center.

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