Saturday, June 15, 2024

Dallas County says it prevented file encryption during ransomware attack

External cybersecurity execs helped save you any encryption of Dallas County executive information or techniques following a up to date cyberattack, the town introduced this week.

A ransomware attack the county detected Oct. 19 is the second one to happen in North Texas in simply 5 months after the Dallas town executive used to be matter to a ransomware attack in May, disrupting a number of town services and products and leaking the non-public information of greater than 30,000 citizens.

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Once Dallas County detected the cyber incident, it retained cybersecurity execs from the personal sector to lend a hand in efforts to include the danger and examine the attack, in line with the latest cybersecurity notification update provided by the county.

“Currently, our work with the cybersecurity firm is ongoing,” the replace learn. “While our goal is to be transparent and forthcoming with information relating to the incident, we do not want to make premature assumptions about the extent of impact or other details, which may evolve as the forensic investigation advances.”

Though the county maintains that information weren’t encrypted, CBS News on Tuesday reported that the hacker crew “Play” has claimed duty for the attack and that it stole 1000’s of information. The crew mentioned that personal paperwork of Dallas County departments will pass up on the market at the darkish internet if an unspecified ransome isn’t paid through Friday, according to CBS News.

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Lauren Trimble, leader of group of workers for Dallas County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins, didn’t verify claims from the ransomware crew and didn’t supply extra main points, bringing up the continuing investigation. 

The county stated the danger used to be contained due to an endpoint detection and reaction device deployed throughout its community, compelled password adjustments for all customers, mandated multi-factor authentication for far flung get entry to and blockading site visitors to malicious IP addresses.

“Currently, there is no evidence of ongoing threat actor activity in our environment,” replace learn. “Given these measures and findings, it appears at this time that the incident has been successfully contained and that Dallas County’s systems are secure for use.”

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