Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Cyndi Munson talks about the future of Democrats in Oklahoma

House Minority Leader Cyndi Munson, D-Oklahoma City, debates a bill on May 19.

Rep. Cyndi Munson stood middle stage inside the grand ballroom of the Oklahoma City Convention Center, dealing with a crowd of CEOs, bankers, oil executives and different company elites, who moments earlier have been applauding Republican leaders as they mentioned tax cuts and investments in non-public education schemes.

It was the State Chamber’s annual public affairs discussion board when the Republican and Democratic leaders of the state House and Senate are provided an opportunity to current their coverage targets for the upcoming legislative session. 

As the newly elected House minority chief, Munson, a Democrat from northwest Oklahoma City, was invited to provide a five-minute tackle. 

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More:Oklahoma House speaker: Tax cuts will probably be a ‘focus’ subsequent session

The temper was festive as the state’s enterprise group celebrated progress in the aerospace and movie industries, whereas additionally rallying round efforts to reduce enterprise laws.

But Munson wished to vary the tone. 

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“House Democrats will continue to be the adults in the room,” stated Munson, who rebuked Republicans for passing abortion bans and attacking LGBTQ Oklahomans. 

A critical try to develop the economic system in Oklahoma required extra than simply pro-business insurance policies or decrease taxes, Munson stated. It wants stronger investments in public training, elevated youngster care choices, higher well being care and a political local weather that welcomes variety. 

House Minority Leader Cyndi Munson talks with the Rev. Jon Middendorf on Aug. 25.

“If we are going to ask CEOs to bring their businesses and employees to our state, we have to embrace the ability to celebrate all people,” Munson stated. 

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Since Democrats misplaced management of the state Legislature almost twenty years in the past, the get together’s leaders in the House and Senate have introduced constant vocal opposition to Republicans, who maintain supermajorities and might advance most payments on their very own.

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