Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Colombian ‘Harry Potter’ sentenced for drugging, kidnapping, robbing 2 U.S. Army soldiers in Bogotá

MIAMI – Jeffersson “Harry Potter” Arango was once a member of the Tomaseros, a former Colombian gang that drugged and abducted theft sufferers in the leisure districts of Bogotá— and was once hunted down when they focused the fallacious males.

Records display two U.S. Army soldiers, who had been on transient responsibility on the U.S. Embassy, weren’t dressed in their uniforms after they went to the Colombian Pub, a bar in Bogotá’s Zona T, to observe a football recreation.

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The Tomaseros focused them and it price them. Over 4 years later, in a federal court in Miami, Arango, now 36, was once (*2*) to 48 years and 9 months in federal jail for his position in the 2020 heist.

Records display one of the crucial soldiers didn’t get house on March 5, 2020. Colombian cops discovered him in poor health and disoriented on March 6, 2020, and took him to a health facility the place a toxicology screening examined sure for benzodiazepines.

The Colombian prosecution launched a picture appearing when a member of the Tomaseros deserted an subconscious theft sufferer in Bogotá. (FISCALIA GENERAL DE LA NACION)

Arango’s accomplices, in line with investigators, had been a girl recognized in data as Kenny “Hellen” Uribe, and two males recognized as Himmer “Sobrino” Aguirre and Pedro “Tata” Silva.

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The bruised U.S. soldiers misplaced their telephones and wallets with debit and credit playing cards. The Tomaseros separated them, made purchases, and withdrew cash from ATMs. FBI Miami box place of business brokers investigated the case.

Arango was once extradited from Colombia to the U.S. and seemed in courtroom on May 5, 2023, in Miami. He pleaded accountable to kidnapping an the world over secure individual, conspiracy to kidnap an the world over secure individual, assaulting an the world over secure individual, and conspiracy to attack an the world over secure individual on Jan. 26.

During his extradition, FBI brokers escorted Silva, 47, who were hiding in Chile. He seemed in courtroom on April 18, in Miami. He is dealing with fees of kidnapping an the world over secure individual, conspiracy to kidnap an the world over secure individual, assaulting an the world over secure individual, and conspiracy to attack an the world over secure individual.

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If convicted, Silva faces a most penalty of existence in jail.

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