Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Businessman faces five years for bribing Atlanta, DeKalb County officials | Georgia

(The Center Square) — A 72-year-old Alpharetta businessman faces five years in federal jail after pleading to blame to bribing two Atlanta town officials in trade for directing thousands and thousands of greenbacks of town industry to his corporate.

Lohrasb “Jeff” Jafari, the PRAD Group’s former govt vice chairman who additionally pleaded to blame to bribing a former Dekalb County legitimate to take a look at and safe county contracts and “evading” greater than $1.5 million in taxes, additionally faces 3 years of supervised free up. U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones ordered Jafari to pay a $300 particular evaluate and $909,674 restitution.

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In April, the businessman pleaded to blame to conspiratorial bribery, substantive bribery and tax evasion fees.

“Jeff Jafari paid bribe after bribe to high-ranking government officials in the City of Atlanta and DeKalb County over several years and thereby obtained lucrative city contracts worth tens of millions of dollars,” U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan mentioned in a free up.

“The public paid a heavy price from every project unfairly awarded to Jafari’s companies through corruption, and he then compounded his harm by never paying any tax on his substantial personal income,” Buchanan added. “His greed delivered a hard blow to public trust in honest and fair government, but this sentence underscores our commitment to prosecuting corruption in any form.”

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