Sunday, June 9, 2024

Big Brothers Big Sisters bond lasts Oklahoma friends decades

TULSA, Okla. — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma works to make sure Green Country’s youth has somebody to look admire.

Those partnerships can final a number of months or a number of years, however the bond between Leslie Chavis and Janice Holland has lasted greater than 4 decades.

All beginning, they are saying, with a choice to enroll in Big Brothers Big Sisters.

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“I don’t know how my mother determined to signal me up for it,” Chavis mentioned. “I just remember she said a lady was going to come and meet you and be your big sister. And I was like, ‘what? My big sister?’ and she’s like ‘yeah’ and she knocked on the door and I was like ‘oh my gosh she’s so pretty.'”

That first meeting set the course forever.

“She was just a very wonderful, wonderful child,” Holland mentioned. “And it was a bonding right away.”

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That bond was so robust Leslie grew to become part of the household.

“And they only thought, ‘Where is Leslie?’” Holland mentioned. “If I didn’t bring her to a family event. ‘Where is Leslie?’ So, we bonded pretty good.”

Chavis, now a teacher, credits Holland for making that happen.

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“I don’t know what or where I would have done without her in my life,” Chavis said.

Holland became a guiding light for Chavis.

“I was a better mother because of her,” Chavis mentioned. “I was more open and more able to listen to my children.”

Chavis married and, at one level, moved away when the navy stationed her husband in one other state or nation.

“We would sit at the restaurant till they’d say, ‘could you all leave now?’” Chavis said. “We simply begin speaking, as you may see, and we won’t cease.”

Each of them credits the success of their friendship to Big Brothers Big Sisters and said it changed their lives forever.

“I simply dearly love her,” Holland mentioned. “And I know it’s going to continue for the rest of my life.”

“Oh, you’re stuck with me,” Chavis said. “If you stuck with me this long, you’re stuck with me.”

Chavis thought, at one level, she would grow to be an actual member of the household — one thing that finally occurred.

“And funny story I told her one day that I will actually become part of your family. In real life. I will be related to you,” Chavis said. “And my husband’s mother is actually her brother’s wife’s cousin. So, I actually did make it, not knowing I did make it into that family. I knew I would make it, somehow. Not that I married my husband for that reason, until about 10 years into our marriage we were talking and found that out.”

2 News Oklahoma took a have a look at what it takes to become a big to a little.

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