Biden SOTU claim about GOP Medicare cuts needs context

Biden SOTU claim about GOP Medicare cuts needs context

Republicans booed President Biden in the course of the State of the Union after he claimed some had proposed plans that would finish Medicare and Social Security.

President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union was a bit extra interactive than regular, with a lot of booing, cheering, and even some direct forwards and backwards between the president and members of Congress.

One of essentially the most spirited moments got here when the president accused Congressional Republicans of proposing plans that would consequence in the long run of Medicare and Social Security.

“Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset,” he mentioned, instantly prompting loud boos from GOP members in attendance. “I’m not saying it’s a majority. Let me give you… anybody who doubts it. Contact my office. I’ll give you a copy. I’ll give you a copy of the proposal.”

Several VERIFY viewers had questions about that change. Burl from Georgia mentioned, “I want to know the names or bills of Republicans that want to cut Medicare that Joe Biden keeps talking about.” 

Others merely needed to know whether or not it was true that any Republican had floated such a plan.


Have any Congressional Republicans proposed to sundown Medicare and Social Security?



This needs context.

Republican Senator Rick Scott has proposed to require all federal laws (which incorporates Medicare and Social Security) be reauthorized each 5 years, that means it could expire if not renewed. However, even when the plan handed, Scott has mentioned he would anticipate Medicare and Social Security to be reauthorized each time.


In 2022, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) printed a set of coverage proposals he referred to as his 11-point “Rescue America” plan, which has since been expanded to 12 factors.

Point number six offers with authorities reform and debt. One of its proposals says: “All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years.”

Sunsetting is when a regulation is ready to robotically expire except Congress decides to resume it.

Medicare and Social Security have been created by federal laws, so it’s true this proposal would set them as much as on the very least face a renewal vote each 5 years.

But Biden’s assertion nonetheless needs context. As he acknowledged, Scott’s proposal is unpopular even amongst Republicans.

When asked about the “Rescue America” plan in 2022, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell mentioned “[Republicans] will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years.”

Scott himself has additionally mentioned that he would anticipate, even when his proposal by some means did cross, it wouldn’t find yourself affecting Social Security and Medicare, as a result of they’re so fashionable Congress would renew them each time.

“I’ve never advocated cutting Social Security or Medicare and never would,” he tweeted in response to Biden’s remarks.

Nonetheless, no matter intent, the language of the proposal doesn’t exempt Social Security or Medicare from going through sunsetting each 5 years.

Scott has not introduced his plan ahead within the type of any actual bill in Congress – it stays a purely theoretical, and unpopular, proposal.

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