Saturday, June 1, 2024

Army vet inspires teens to stay upbeat through weightlifting

TAMPA, Fla. — Nick Salerno is in one of the best form of his life.

This is saying so much, contemplating that the 34-year-old was as soon as a younger soldier within the U.S. Army, sweating and dealing within the warmth of Afghanistan.

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“I’m proof that good things happen when you stay active and stay positive,” stated Salerno, whose positivity was as soon as examined in essentially the most nightmarish of how.

He loves his job as a phys-ed trainer at Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School in Tampa.

Salerno focuses on weightlifting. His courses are filled with all walks of life hoping to form up.

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“Coach Salerno makes me want to work harder,” stated junior Cade Hoffman. “He’s just super inspiring.”

In 2010, whereas on patrol in Afghanistan, Salerno stepped on an IED. When he wakened again in America, his proper leg was gone.

For a number of years, he stated, he “just kind of laid around in bed, feeling sorry for myself. ‘Oh, my leg hurts, my leg hurts.'”

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Then someday, he bought off the bed.

And, on a whim, he went to the health club.

And then went to the health club once more.

“I wanted to change things,” stated Salerno, who wears a prosthetic. “That opened my eyes to how important being physically active really is.”

Salerno turned his life round through understanding, staying lively and staying constructive.

Next, he wished to share his message. The reply was apparent.

“I thought, hey, a teacher!”

Salerno’s inspiring story and approach of connecting along with his college students have made him a star at Brooks DeBartolo.

He stated it is one of the best place he is ever labored.

“One day, I just started exercising,” Salerno stated. “And look where I am now.”

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