Sunday, June 2, 2024

Angelina Jolie visits Pakistan to support people affected by floods

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie on Tuesday arrived in Pakistan to support people affected by the devastating floods within the nation.

According to the Express Tribune, the `Salt` actor landed in Dadu, Pakistan, and can hear from people affected immediately about their wants and about steps to stop such struggling sooner or later.

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“International humanitarian Angelina Jolie is visiting Pakistan to support communities affected by the devastating floods. Heavy rains and floods across the country have impacted 33 million people and submerged one-third of the country under water. Angelina Jolie is visiting to witness and gain an understanding of the situation, and to hear from people affected directly about their needs, and about steps to prevent such suffering in the future,” the report mentioned, citing a launch of International Rescue Committee (IRC).

“Jolie, who previously visited victims of the 2010 floods in Pakistan, and the 2005 earthquake, will visit the IRC`s (International Rescue Committee) emergency response operations and local organisations assisting displaced people including Afghan refugees. Jolie will highlight the need for urgent support for the Pakistani people and long-term solutions to address the multiplying crises of climate change, human displacement and protracted insecurity we are witnessing globally,” the IRC launch added.

The monsoon rains have claimed greater than a thousand lives throughout Pakistan since June and unleashed highly effective floods which have washed away swathes of significant crops and broken or destroyed greater than 1,000,000 properties.

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According to the authorities, the dying toll has reached 1,559, together with 551 kids and 318 girls and viral illnesses akin to malaria, dengue fever, diarrhoea, and pores and skin infections have wreaked havoc throughout provinces because the water begins to recede.

Also Read: Angelina Jolie: I’m a bit bit stronger

The file monsoons and heavy floods have affected 33 million people and are estimated to have brought about USD 30 billion of harm.

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