Saturday, June 15, 2024

Amazon delivery driver attacked by dog shares story of survival

SAN ANTONIO – Jose Luis Rodriguez can’t consider he’s alive and out of the health center after being attacked by a dog whilst at the process.

Rodriguez, a 22-year-old Amazon delivery driver, used to be out handing over programs on Monday.

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“That day was one of those days that I was like, ‘It is time to work and go home,’” he mentioned.

Rodriguez mentioned he used to be verifying he used to be on the proper house on McNarey Street at the South Side when he used to be attacked.

“As soon as I look up, all I see is a dog just jumping over,” mentioned Rodriguez. “He just started attacking me right then and there.”

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He mentioned the dog’s proprietor attempted to prevent the assault, however the dog wouldn’t surrender.

“I think the most traumatizing was seeing my lips and my chin on the ground,” he mentioned.

Rodriguez used to be rushed to the health center to get stitches.

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“I literally thought I was going to die,” he mentioned.

Animal Care Services showed that the dog accused of attacking Rodriguez used to be surrendered and euthanized.

The proprietor, who ACS recognized as Annette Aguilar, used to be issued 4 prison citations, which come with no present rabies vaccination, no registered microchip, one for the animal being off the valuables, and a fourth for the chunk itself.

Rodriguez needs to percentage his story to make dog homeowners conscious of their animals. He additionally needs justice.

“You all should be thanking God right now that I’m still here and that I pulled through this attack,” mentioned Rodriguez.

He plans to ship programs once more as soon as healed however hopes to have a unique course.

Rodriguez additionally hopes to get cosmetic surgery to mend the scar from the assault.

“I really wouldn’t like to have that scar because it’s just going to have to be a reminder that I don’t have to look at every day,” he mentioned.

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