Friday, June 28, 2024

A look at how Americans have viewed the Jan. 6 Capitol attack — CBS News poll analysis

What to anticipate as the House January 6 committee public hearings start Thursday

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Ahead of the House choose committee’s first public hearings on its investigation into the occasions of Jan. 6, 2021, most Americans — 70% — assume it is at least considerably essential to seek out out what occurred on that day and who was concerned, based on a latest CBS News poll


But Republicans do not see it as essential. They are extra divided, with a slim majority saying it isn’t very or not at all essential to seek out out what occurred. Few Republicans assume it is crucial. This is reflective of the manner many Republicans have viewed what occurred that day. Most have stated they do not see it as an riot and don’t desire their occasion to focus a lot on it. 


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CBS News has polled on the occasions associated to Jan. 6, 2021, measuring response to the attack and how it has impacted Americans’ views of U.S. politics and democracy.

Here’s a few of what we have discovered:

  • The actions of those that forcibly entered the Capitol that day have been met with widespread and bipartisan disapproval from the American public — this was the case in the rapid aftermath of the attack and in polling performed a 12 months later.




Jan. 6: Differences in views of what happened that day

  • Most Americans have described what occurred on Jan. 6, 2021 as an riot and have stated it was an try and overturn the election and the authorities. But nearly one in 5 Republicans have seen it that manner. Nearly half of Republicans have stated what occurred at the Capitol was patriotism, and a majority of them have described it as defending freedom. 


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  • Republicans’ views on what occurred on Jan. 6 are largely pushed by how they see the 2020 presidential election. Soon after the election and earlier this 12 months, most stated they imagine there was widespread fraud in 2020, and most Republicans have constantly stated they do not take into account Joe Biden to be the authentic winner. 


  • And since partisans see the final result of the 2020 election and the occasions of Jan. 6 in a different way, that is mirrored in how essential discovering out extra about what occurred on Jan. 6 is to them: Democrats assume it is’ extra essential than Republicans do.

The Trump issue

  • Even although most Republicans do not place nice significance on investigating what occurred on Jan. 6 and proceed to imagine fraud was widespread in 2020, our latest poll finds most don’t desire their 2022 nominees centered on the 2020 election. And they’re divided over how a lot they wish to to listen to about loyalty to former President Donald Trump, who has continued to name the final result of the 2020 presidential election fraudulent. 


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