Saturday, June 15, 2024

$110 Million Investment Will Go Toward New Boys & Girls Club Facilities In OKC

More youth facilities are coming to Oklahoma City because of MAPS 4 challenge funding.

Out of the MAPS 4 funds, $110 million are going to help and increase the Boys and Girls Club of Oklahoma County.  

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Boys and Girls Club Oklahoma County president and chief govt officer Teena Belcik acquired approval to grow to be the operator for these youth facilities. In the approaching years, town will open 4 model new services.

“The problem is some of these are small spaces, and we are only able to accommodate 50 kids and there may be 200 kids that want to come, and these youth centers will be larger and able to hold more kids,” Belcik stated.  

Right now, there are 18 Boys and Girls Clubs in Oklahoma City serving 15,000 youngsters throughout the metro.  

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The funding will imply extra developmental actions for college kids.

“We will also have programs in leadership and STEM activities, art activities, lots of sports,” Belcik said. “We will do work force development and college and career planning help with homework.”

Fifty-four percent of students who go through the Boys and Girls club said the program saved their lives.

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“It saved them away from medication, saved them out of gangs,” Belcik stated. “Helped them stay in school and succeed and helped them learn what they want to do when they grow up.”

Belcik believes these new golf equipment will change town.

“This is going to be transformational for Oklahoma City,” Belcik said. “I am so excited for our kids throughout the entire Oklahoma City community.”

The first new membership is about to open in 2026, Belcik stated.

story by The Texas Tribune Source link

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