Sunday, June 16, 2024

Opinion | Tucker Carlson says he wasn’t vaccinated

Fox News host Tucker Carlson made news in a talking engagement in San Marcos, Calif., the place he instructed that he hadn’t been vaccinated. On the subject of the second booster shot, Carlson quipped, “I skipped the first three, I’m not getting that one either,” Carlson instructed the gang at Awaken Church.

The crowd “erupted in applause,” reported the Voice of San Diego. Like the stable demagogue that he is, Carlson is aware of his viewers: Awaken Church, an evangelical congregation, made loads of news throughout the pandemic for resisting covid well being restrictions.

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Perhaps Carlson was simply ready for the correct viewers to speak about his vaccination habits. Last yr, then-New York Times media columnist Ben Smith requested Carlson whether or not he’d gotten the shot. “When was the last time you had sex with your wife and in what position? We can trade intimate details,” Carlson replied.

For a Time journal profile, Charlotte Alter tried once more. It went like this:

“Because I’m a polite person, I’m not going to ask you any supervulgar personal questions like that.”

I instructed him he was welcome to ask me no matter he needed.

“That’s like saying, ‘Do you have HIV?’” he mentioned. “How about ‘None of your business’?” He broke right into a cackle, like a hyena let free in Brooks Brothers. “I mean, are you serious? What’s your favorite sexual position and when did you last engage in it?”

Consider the turnabout right here: Carlson insisted on a couple of event that disclosing vaccination standing was tantamount to disclosing particulars about your intercourse life — and but there he was, committing that very offense at an evangelical church.

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Nothing on the earth of Tucker Carlson is sensible, as a result of it doesn’t must.

There was by no means any credibility to Carlson’s supposed offense at fielding questions on his vaccination standing. Untold numbers of his fellow residents, in any case, have handled vaccinations as quasi-public occasions, tweeting and Instagramming their pictures. Many of those that oppose the vaccines, likewise, have felt empowered to make their case in public.

Over the previous two years, Carlson has feasted on covid as a prime-time calling card, flyspecking nationwide and municipal responses to the pandemic. Along the way in which, he has supplied help to the anti-vax motion. In May 2021, for example, Carlson hijacked federal information to advertise concern about individuals dying after taking a vaccine. He additionally claimed, baselessly, that there have been “unresolved concerns about their long term effects on some people including their effects on female fertility.” The reality right here is that vaccination doesn’t scale back the prospect of conception, although covid an infection in males may scale back their fertility. As somebody who obsesses over falling sperm counts, Carlson is likely to be anticipated to grab upon that discovering.

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But no. Remember — there’s no worldview guiding Carlson’s rantings on any topic, be it covid or racism or testosterone. Carlson himself confessed as a lot at a 2019 convention: “The temptation in my politics — and my politics are evolving, although I don’t even have politics, I just have reactions to things, as you can tell.”

Correct. He reacted to conservative mistrust of the vaccines by hyping and deepening that mistrust. He reacted to questions from mainstream media reps — these soulless elites! — by stiffing them with preposterous perspective. And he responded to the gang at Awaken by giving them a serving to of anti-establishment covid ideology.

Carlson’s repeated assaults on the vaccines prompted a guessing sport amongst Fox News watchers: Did the host put his cash the place his mouth was and spurn the vaccines? Or was he enjoying a cynical sport by which he promoted doubt about them on the air whereas receiving the pictures for his personal safety?

“Tucker Carlson, tell the American people if you have been double vaccinated and boosted, just come clean,” mentioned CNN’s Jim Acosta in January. “Tell everybody if you have been boosted, we know the truth, we know you have been. But just tell us, tell everybody the truth, it is all we ask.” Rolling Stone’s Jack Crosbie wrote, “The hypocrisy behind all of this is that Tucker Carlson is almost certainly vaccinated.”

Usually, these analysts would now must get busy writing corrections. Doing so, nonetheless, would require believing Tucker Carlson. As he mentioned final yr, “I lie.”

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