Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bear Spotted Chilling In California Swimming Pool

It’s Labor Day weekend and this California bear is able to calm down.

A Simi Valley house owner was surprised on Saturday when he appeared exterior and noticed a black bear cooling off in his pool.

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“I just happened to look over the window and I thought it was a person swimming in the pool,” Mike Emanuel told Fox 11 Los Angeles. “I was like, ‘Who the hell was in the swimming pool?’”

In a video, the bear might be seen soaking by the sting of the pool for some time, earlier than climbing out and wandering off.

Emanuel stated he watched for a couple of minutes after which known as the non-emergency police line as a result of he wasn’t certain what to do.

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“I said, ‘Hey there’s a bear in my pool,’ and then they asked me if I had been drinking,” he stated.

Temperatures soared to a excessive of 108 levels in Simi Valley over the weekend, so Emanuel stated it was honest sufficient the bear wished to take a dip.

“He’s welcome in my yard as long as he doesn’t kill me or my family,” he quipped.

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On Sunday, authorities had been contacted as a result of a bear wandered into one other individual’s kitchen by an open door and began consuming meals that had been omitted. It was possible the identical animal, police said.

Authorities reminded locals to not strategy bears or get of their means.

“Bears will generally find food and go back to their habitats,” the California Department of Fish and Wildlife stated in a launch. “Please do not approach any bears if seen. Although cute, they are still wild animals.”

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