Monday, June 17, 2024

The Growing State of Hate

LAKELAND, Fla. — White supremacy organizations have gotten extra seen, and reported anti-Semitic and different hate incidents have risen to their highest ranges in many years right here in Florida.  

The ABC Action News I-Team has launched a brand new collection referred to as “State of Hate” to delve into why that is occurring, what it means to our group and what we will do about it.  

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RELATED: I-Team turns to specialists for recommendation in our ‘State of Hate’ collection

Many specialists tie the rise in hate incidents to the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA, 5 years in the past this month. Charlottesville is dwelling to the University of Virginia, a progressive group greater than 800 miles from Tampa Bay.

Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally

ABC News

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The Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally

But a neo-Nazi group headquartered in Lakeland was concerned in that rally and a number of other different incidents throughout the nation lately.  

“You saw a lot of groups who saw that as ideally a coming out party,” stated Jon Lewis, a analysis fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University.  

During the “rally,” tons of of neo-Nazis, skinheads, and different hate teams clashed with counter-protesters, drawing nationwide consideration when a younger white supremacist from Ohio drove into the gang, killing a lady and injuring dozens of others.  

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Neo-Nazi group sparks incidents throughout the nation  

The group in attendance in Charlottesville from Lakeland is now led by a 45-year-old “Commander” who’s listed in a current arrest report as unemployed.  

Months after Charlottesville, 14 of the group members confirmed up at a homosexual delight parade in Detroit carrying shields, flags, and weapons. Police stated 5 members of the group have been armed.  

Last yr, that Lakeland man was arrested once more in Arizona.  

“I’m the leader of the largest neo-Nazi organization in America,” he yelled in a cellular phone video collected as proof by police.  

Police stated the person pulled a gun in a parking zone and pointed it at a bunch of African-American company staying on the identical lodge.

“I’m so glad ya’ll pulled up, because he was ready to kill us,” a witness instructed police on physique digicam footage ABC Action News obtained.  

He received in hassle once more in Orlando in January. Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies stated the suspect pepper-sprayed a Jewish University of Central Florida pupil at an indication.

Neo-Nazi group leader attacks Jewish UCF student

Orange County Sheriff’s Office

Neo-Nazi group chief assaults a Jewish UCF pupil with pepper spray at an indication.

A second suspect was additionally arrested after allegedly punching the younger man repeatedly. That man had a swastika tattooed on his neck and the phrase “skinhead” on his brow.  

“I’ve never even dealt with Jews; I’ve been in prison most of my life,” the suspect instructed a detective throughout a recorded interrogation.

Reported incidents and hate teams are rising  

The Southern Poverty Law Center stated the Lakeland neo-Nazi group is amongst 53 hate groups identified last year in Florida.  

The Anti-Defamation League reported that anti-semitic incidents in Florida reached an all-time excessive final yr with 190 reported incidents, a 50% improve over 2020.

Map of hate groups in Florida

Southern Poverty Law Center

A map of hate teams in Florida from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In Tampa Bay, current occasions included the distribution of racist flyers, graffiti on a faculty lavatory wall, and an indication outdoors the Tampa Convention Center.  

“Their goal oftentimes is to mobilize to these events with the intent to commit violence or to coerce others to engage in violence on their behalf,” stated Lewis.  

The Program on Extremism at George Washington University uncovered that two dozen Floridians charged within the assault on the Capitol have been affiliated with white supremacy teams.  

“Of the 850 or so, about 90 defendants of January 6 were from Florida, including I think a bit over a dozen Proud Boys and Oath Keepers each,” Lewis stated.  

“These groups are out there”  

“It’s an incredible spectacle to see how they train, how they talk to each other,” stated Poynter Institute Vice President Kelly McBride.  

McBride began her profession protecting cross-burnings and goose-stepping skinheads in rural Idaho. She now believes media shops shouldn’t title particular teams or people. She stated media protection offers fringe teams legitimacy and helps them recruit.

Poynter Institute Vice President Kelly McBride


Poynter Institute Vice President Kelly McBride began her profession protecting white supremacy teams.

RELATED: I-Team turns to specialists for recommendation in our ‘State of Hate’ collection

“What we need to know more is the abstract idea that these groups are out there. That they are everywhere. That they change strategies every so often,” McBride stated.

The neo-Nazi commander from Lakeland agreed to do a Zoom interview solely after I confirmed that I wasn’t Jewish.

As he sat in entrance of a background exhibiting downtown Lakeland, he calmly mentioned his hatred of Jewish, Black, and homosexual folks, his admiration of Adolf Hitler, and his assist of an all-white society.

ABC Action News determined to not share his title, the title of his group, or direct quotes from his interview so as to not assist his group recruit new members.

“While 98%, or 99, or 99.5 of those that are in the United States may totally despise that view, you wonder what’s happening with that half a percentage?” stated Jonathan Ellis, who serves on the Tampa Jewish Community Relations Council.  

He continued, “I don’t suppose you possibly can have an increase of Nazi exercise or white supremacy exercise with out the news truly protecting it and looking out into it. However, because the protection goes, the higher the protection, usually there’s extra folks being drawn to it.”

Jonathan Ellis


Jonathan Ellis is a member of the Tampa Jewish Community Relations Council

White supremacy concepts spark violent actions  

Ellis stated individuals who go down the mistaken path might find yourself committing violent acts just like the mass shootings at a Pittsburgh synagogue, an El Paso Walmart, and a Buffalo grocery retailer.  

Those have been all racially-motivated hate crimes perpetrated by folks with white supremacist views.

“There are numbers and statistics that don’t lie. You can very, very simply look at the rise in hate crimes. The rise in anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-Asian acts of hate,” Lewis stated.

“You do have a group of people who believe in that poison,” stated Hillsborough County NAACP President Yvette Lewis.

Hillsborough County NAACP President Yvette Lewis


Hillsborough County NAACP President Yvette Lewis talks with ABC Action News I-Team reporter Adam Walser a few hate-filled letter delivered to the group.

She stated her group will get weekly hate mail, together with a letter that arrived the day ABC Action News interviewed her. Inside the envelope was a rambling message of hate.

“It has a lot of the ‘N’ word and stuff,” Lewis stated. “You want to ask this person ‘why?’ but we can’t find this person.”

She stated it’s as much as the group to struggle again.

“Hate never prevails,” Lewis stated. “We’re all in this world. When you cut me, I bleed. I have a heart just like you and everyone else.”  

“Who’s gonna get to that person’s ear first?”  

“I think we have to give the audience context, hope, and solutions,” McBride stated.  

Florida Holocaust Museum chairman Mike Igel is on the forefront of that effort. He confirmed the I-Team a prepare automobile that carried 1000’s of Jews to their deaths throughout the Holocaust.

“Horrible, horrible things happened. People were murdered just for who they were. It was a systematic genocide,” Igel stated.

Mike Igel


Mike Igel, Chairman of the Florida Holocaust Museum

He speaks at faculties and group gatherings, preventing hate with schooling.  

“We’re running a race. Who’s gonna get to that person’s ear first?” he stated.

“What to do if you are victimized or see a hate crime?”

If you’re a sufferer of or witness a hate crime, it is best to attain out to your native legislation enforcement instantly.

You may also report the incident to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


AP Photo/Michael Sohn

FBI Logo

You may also report the incident to the Anti-Defamation League on the organization’s website.

Organizations Fighting Hate Groups & Resources


If you could have a narrative you suppose the I-Team ought to examine, electronic mail us at [email protected].

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