Monday, June 10, 2024

Comedian Craig Robinson evacuated from North Carolina comedy club due to gunfire

Comedian Craig Robinson mentioned he canceled a efficiency Saturday evening at a North Carolina comedy club after there was gunfire. 

On Saturday round 9 p.m., an unidentified man brandished a hearth arm inside The Comedy Zone in Charlotte, and discharged his weapon, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department mentioned in a statement.

The club was evacuated and nobody was injured, police mentioned. The suspect was taken into custody, police added. 

Robinson posted in regards to the expertise on Instagram.  

In a video submit, he mentioned he was contained in the comedy club’s greenroom about to carry out a set when he was evacuated to a close-by live performance. 

“I’m performing at The Comedy Zone in Charlotte, North Carolina. There was an active shooter in the comedy club,” he says within the video because the pop band Big Time Rush performs for followers within the background. 

“Again, there’s an active shooter at the club I was at so we had to run over here to this concert,” Robinson tells his followers, jokingly including: “Big Time Rush to the rescue.”

“I’m safe, I’m cool. It was just wild. I was in the green room and they were like, ‘Everybody get out,'” Robinson mentioned. “It was wild. It was a moment for sure.”

story by The Texas Tribune Source link

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