Sunday, June 9, 2024

Israeli-French hostage recounts harrowing experience in captivity

JERUSALEM – An Israeli lady who lately returned from captivity in the Gaza Strip says she was once groped by means of her Palestinian kidnapper and lived in consistent worry all over the weeks she was once held hostage.

Mia Schem, a 21-year-old twin citizen of Israel and France, was once attending a music festival in southern Israel when Hamas militants burst around the border and raided the development website online on Oct. 7. More than 300 other people had been killed and dozens taken hostage.

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She was once launched on Nov. 30 throughout a weeklong cease-fire.

In an interview broadcast Friday on Israel’s Channel 13 TV, Schem stated she was once captured after she were given out her buddy’s burning automobile. She stated her captor started touching her higher frame inappropriately and simplest stopped after she screamed and he spotted that she were shot in the arm and badly wounded.

“I started screaming, going crazy,” she stated. “There were burnt vehicles, bodies.”

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While in captivity, she was once held in a space with a circle of relatives and watched across the clock by means of the daddy, Schem stated. She stated his consistent staring made her uncomfortable and frightened that he may attempt to hurt her. The guy’s spouse didn’t like her and now and again denied her meals for days at a time, she stated.

Israeli government have stated that sexual violence was once a part of the Hamas rampage into southern Israel, they usually accused the world neighborhood of playing down or ignoring the pain of the sufferers.

The Associated Press normally does no longer determine sufferers of sexual violence, however Schem spoke out publicly about her experience.

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Schem made world headlines when Hamas launched a video of her in captivity days after she was once taken hostage. In the video, she lay in mattress as any person bandaged her proper arm, and he or she says she needs to move house. At the time, it was once the primary signal of lifestyles from the hostages.

Schem stated she slightly slept throughout her time as a hostage as a result of she was once so terrified, and that she additionally didn’t bathe or obtain any medicines. She stated her captor’s kids infrequently got here in to take a look at her “like I’m some animal in a petting zoo.”

Schem stated she was once taken from the house right into a tunnel and held with different hostages throughout her ultimate days in captivity.

During this time, she stated she knew she would quickly be launched. Schem stated she was once stored with six or seven other people in a small room and won only one piece of pita bread an afternoon. She stated she feels responsible on account of the opposite hostages she left at the back of.

Schem broke down throughout the interview, pronouncing she nonetheless has no longer come to phrases along with her go back as she processes the ordeal. “I can’t get it out of my head,” she stated.

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