Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Stay aware of your surroundings

MIAMI – Antonio Adili stated he determined to percentage his nightmare, so others can be informed from his revel in and keep aware of their surroundings.

Adili stated armed robbers adopted him house in North Miami the place one held him at gunpoint to scouse borrow his Rolex watch and money.

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”Just watch out!”

Adilis stated he was once curious about unloading groceries within the parking space of his condominium development when a person ambushed him.

“He walked this way and I am thinking he owns this car or he wants to leave,” Adilis stated.

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Instead, the robber took out a gun and put it on his head, and stated, “Give me your money!”

Adilis passed him over $3,000, and his Rolex, which was once valued at about $50,000.

“He saw watch and said. ‘Take it off!’ — and he put the gun in my chest,” Adilis stated.

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The robber fled when Adilis pretended to name a pal who wasn’t actually there. The robber was once in a white Kia Forte with a short lived tag.

Detectives had been asking someone with information concerning the case to name Miami-Dade County Crime Stoppers at 305-471-8477.

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