Monday, June 17, 2024

San Antonio Food Bank battles senior food insecurity with new initiative

SAN ANTONIO – Tens of 1000’s of senior voters in South Texas are suffering to make ends meet, which ends up in food insecurity.

The San Antonio Food Bank is stepping up and serving to out with a new marketing campaign to assist seniors.

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Lisa Davidson, a Navy veteran whose activity sooner or later introduced her to San Antonio, shared her tale about what led her to stand food insecurity.

Davidson stated she used to be doing rather well within the army however her activity used to be outsourced in a foreign country in 2017 and she or he used to be unemployed. Despite efforts to discover a excellent activity, she discovered herself wanting assist from the Food Bank.

She has been coming to the Food Bank distribution and pantries since 2018. While that has helped stay her afloat financially, inflation assists in keeping consuming away at her price range.

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“It was, but my rent just went up about $70 after last month. And then, too, that really finished off what I have left after my VA check. And then I’m only getting like about $40 increase next year. So it’s not a match. And I’m still trying to get caught up with electricity,” Davidson stated.

To assist combat the ones demanding situations, the Food Bank has created the Hunger-Free November for Seniors initiative, which targets to devote 70 kilos of food for each senior dealing with food insecurity.

“They’re a lifesaver to me,” Davidson stated. “I’m really, really grateful. I mean, it’s like it means that you got food for another week.”

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Saving cash on food is helping Davidson use what cash she has for prerequisites.

“For me, they also help because now I can concentrate on household stuff, personal hygiene stuff. When I go to the supermarket and fill that bag that costs so much,” she stated.

Davidson stated regardless of nonetheless seeking to repay the top electrical energy expenses from the recent summer season, she stays positive.

“I’ll be a lot worse off without them (Food Bank). And that’s why I’m smiling today, because it gives me a chance,” Davidson stated.

If you’re enthusiastic about sponsoring a senior for the initiative, click here.

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