Thursday, June 13, 2024

Joe the Plumber, who questioned Obama’s tax proposals during the 2008 campaign, has died at 49

TOLEDO, Ohio — Samuel “Joe” Wurzelbacher, who used to be thrust into the political highlight as “Joe the Plumber” after wondering Barack Obama about his financial proposals during the 2008 presidential marketing campaign, and who later forayed into politics himself, has died, his son mentioned Monday. He used to be 49.

His oldest son, Joey Wurzelbacher, mentioned his father died Sunday in Wisconsin after a protracted sickness. His circle of relatives introduced this 12 months on an internet fundraising website that he had pancreatic most cancers.

“The only thing I have to say is that he was a true patriot,” Joey Wurzelbacher — whose father had the center title Joseph and went through Joe — mentioned in a phone interview. “His big thing is that everyone comes to God. That’s what he taught me, and that’s a message I hope is heard by a lot of people.”

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He went from toiling as a plumber in suburban Toledo, Ohio, to existence as a media sensation when he requested Obama about his tax plan during a marketing campaign forestall.

Their alternate and Obama’s reaction that he sought after to “spread the wealth around” aired continuously on cable news. Days later, Obama’s Republican opponent, U.S. Sen. John McCain, many times cited “Joe the Plumber” in a presidential debate.

Wurzelbacher quickly confronted intense media scrutiny and said that he didn’t have a plumber’s license, pronouncing at the time he did not want one as a result of he labored for small plumbing corporate owned through any individual else.

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Wurzelbacher went directly to marketing campaign with McCain and his operating mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. But he later criticized McCain in his e book and mentioned he didn’t need him as the GOP presidential nominee.

His unexpected repute grew to become him right into a sought-after voice for lots of anti-establishment conservatives, and he traveled the nation talking at tea birthday party rallies and conservative gatherings.

He additionally wrote a e book and labored with a veterans group that equipped out of doors methods for wounded squaddies.

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In 2012, he made a bid for a U.S. House seat in Ohio. But he misplaced in a landslide to Democrat (*49*) Kaptur in a district closely tilted towards Democrats.

Republicans had recruited him to run and idea his repute would assist usher in sufficient cash to mount a major problem. But he drew grievance during the marketing campaign for suggesting that the United States must construct a fence at the Mexico border and “start shooting” at immigrants suspected of getting into the nation illegally.

Wurzelbacher returned to running as a plumber after he gave up on politics, his circle of relatives mentioned.

Funeral preparations had been pending. Survivors come with his spouse, Katie, and 4 kids.


Associated Press creator Mark Scolforo in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, contributed to this file.

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