Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tennessee woman paid to hire a hitman to kill the wife of her dating website match

A Tennessee woman allegedly paid to hire a hitman to kill the wife of a guy she met on a dating web page, in accordance to a felony grievance.

Melody Sasser was once arrested May 18 and is being held in custody on possible reason that she allegedly tried homicide for hire. She is accused of moving about $10,000 in bitcoin to a web page named “Online Killers Market” in trade for the homicide of the wife of the guy she met on the dating web page, federal brokers mentioned in the grievance dated May 11.

Sasser and the guy she met on had transform mountain climbing buddies, in accordance to the grievance. But when Sasser’s match printed he was once shifting out of state with the woman he deliberate to marry, Sasser allegedly became to the darkish internet, the grievance mentioned. Under the pseudonym “cattree,” Sasser allegedly posted her hit order on the website, government mentioned.

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“It needs to seem random or [an] accident. Or plant drugs, do not want a long investigation,” Sasser posted on Jan. 11, government alleged in the grievance.

Sasser’s protection legal professional, M. Jeffrey Whitt, declined ABC News’ request for remark.

Sasser had confirmed up unannounced at the couple’s new house in Alabama in the fall of 2022, government mentioned. “I hope you both fall off a cliff and die,” Sasser allegedly informed the pair, after finding out of their plans to wed, in accordance to the grievance.

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Around that point, the soon-to-be-wife of the guy she had matched with reported that each side of her automobile were “gashed” through an unknown offender, the grievance mentioned. The woman additionally started receiving threatening calls from untraceable numbers, government added.

Sasser allegedly supplied a would-be killer with detailed information about her match’s wife, which incorporated the place she lived, the place she labored and what automobile she drove, government mentioned. She additionally purportedly handed alongside particular information about the meant sufferer’s whereabouts, in accordance to the grievance. Authorities mentioned she discovered that information from the health monitoring utility Strava, which connects to Garmin health watches and stocks location information.

“Yesterday she worked from home and went for a 2 mile walk by herself,” Sasser allegedly wrote to the murder-for-hire website in March, in accordance to the grievance. Authorities mentioned they later showed, by way of the mountain climbing app, that the information Sasser supplied to “Online Killers Market” was once correct.

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ABC News’ has reached out to Strava for remark.

By past due March, as her obvious goal remained alive, Sasser grew impatient, government wrote in the grievance, and she or he allegedly took to “cattree” once more to message the administrator of the darkish internet web page to take a look at on the standing of her homicide request.

“I have waited for two months and 11 days and the job is not completed… What is the delay. When will it be done,” she allegedly wrote.

On May 18, Sasser was once arrested on possible reason that she allegedly tried to hire a hitman to dedicate homicide.

She is due to seem in federal court docket on Thursday.

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