Sunday, June 9, 2024

Schumer says no imminent vote on gun safety bills after Texas massacre

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., signaled Wednesday that the chamber won’t rapidly vote on a pair of House-passed background test bills, giving Democrats and Republicans time to barter a doable however inconceivable bipartisan deal to handle a spate of horrific mass shootings which have rocked the nation in current weeks.

“My Republican colleagues can work with us now. I know this is a slim prospect, very slim, all too slim — we’ve been burned so many times before — but this is so important,” a skeptical Schumer mentioned on the Senate ground the day after 19 kids and two adults had been shot to dying at a southern Texas elementary faculty.

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Other Democrats, together with Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, wish to press ahead with votes on gun safety laws instantly, placing their recalcitrant Republican colleagues on document.

But Schumer’s transfer seemingly punts the difficulty till after subsequent week’s Memorial Day congressional recess. Schumer did, nevertheless, take steps that give him the choice in the way forward for rapidly bringing the background checks invoice to the Senate ground, however Democrats lack the ten Republican votes wanted to defeat a GOP filibuster.

“I’m sympathetic to that,” Schumer mentioned of requires the Senate to vote on the House-passed background checks bills. “I believe that accountability votes are important. But sadly, this isn’t a case of the American people not knowing where their senators stand. They know.”

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Noting that it was “unlikely” that Democrats would get substantial assist from their Republican colleagues, Schumer inspired Americans to take the difficulty to the polls.

“Americans can cast their vote in November for senators or members of Congress that reflect how he or she stands with guns with this issue, this issue, at the top of the voters’ lists,” he continued.

Later Wednesday, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., mentioned the chamber would vote subsequent month on a nationwide “red flag” invoice designed to cease individuals from shopping for or possessing firearms once they present they’re threats to themselves or others. The prospects for the laws, which is anticipated to go the House, are unclear within the evenly divided Senate.

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Zoë Richards contributed.

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