Sunday, June 16, 2024

Judge temporarily strikes down Tennessee law restricting drag performances

Tennessee is the primary state to limit drag performances in public.

A federal pass judgement on in Tennessee has paused the state’s new law restricting public drag performances simply hours sooner than the regulation used to be set to take impact.

In a ruling on Friday night time, Judge Thomas Parker behind schedule enforcement of H.B. 9 for 14 days whilst the courtroom considers its constitutionality. The ruling marked a brief victory for Friends of George, a theater corporate that places on drag presentations and claimed that the newly-passed regulation, which used to be signed through Gov. Bill Lee, R-Tenn., infringed on its First Amendment rights.

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“Within our country’s federal framework, states are laboratories of democracy that can test laws and policies enacted by The People,” Parker wrote.

PHOTO: The outside of Atomic Rose where spectators watch a drag performance ahead of the implementation of a Tennessee law restricting drag in front of minors that is due to come into force on April 1 at Atomic Rose in Memphis, Tenn., March 26, 2023.

The out of doors of Atomic Rose the place spectators watch a drag efficiency forward of the implementation of a Tennessee law restricting drag in entrance of minors this is because of come into drive on April 1 at Atomic Rose in Memphis, Tenn., March 26, 2023.

Karen Pulfer Focht/Reuters

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The pass judgement on in part cited H.B. 9’s “redundancy” in halting implementation of the regulation, which might make “a person who engages in an adult cabaret performance on public property” — or the place it may be considered through minors — a crime.

“When the Court asked exactly what conduct this Statute reaches that is outside the scope of Tennessee’s obscenity laws, Defendant initially answered that the Statute adds very little, and later clarified that in their view, the Statute is a time, place, and manner restriction. But this answer raises more questions for the Court as it does little to advance Defendant’s position,” the ruling mentioned.

Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy instructed Parker he didn’t object to a brief restraining order.

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ABC News’ Davone Morales contributed to this document.

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