Attorney General Gentner Drummond announces priorities as he takes office

Attorney General Gentner Drummond announces priorities as he takes office

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Attorney General Gentner Drummond defined his priorities after being sworn into office on Monday.

Drummond says he is attending to work instantly as Oklahoma’s chief authorized and legislation enforcement officer.

“I am deeply honored that Oklahomans have entrusted me to serve as their Attorney General,” mentioned Drummond, an lawyer, rancher and businessman. “As a seventh-generation Oklahoman who deeply loves our state, I am committed to upholding the rule of law, protecting the rights of our people and promoting public safety.”

According to Drummond, his prime priorities embody:

Working to enhance relations with Oklahoma’s Native American tribes

Drummond says he will prioritize working alongside tribal nations to reinstate a constructive working relationship between them and Oklahoma.

“Oklahoma’s relationship with our great tribal nations has been damaged by divisive rhetoric and combative litigation,” he mentioned. “Oklahoma must forge commonsense agreements with our tribal brothers and sisters that respect their sovereignty and ensure public safety. This is very simple and achievable; we all want good people protected and bad people in jail.”

Eliminating unlawful marijuana rising operations within the state

According to Drummond, rural Oklahoma has been stricken by a rush of unlawful marijuana rising operations.

“These operations are in direct violation of our laws,” Drummond mentioned. “I look forward to partnering with law enforcement agencies across the state to rid Oklahoma of illegal operations that threaten public safety and damage rural communities. Rural Oklahoma cannot keep paying the price for those who circumvent the law.”

Prosecuting fraud and corruption

Despite the quite a few circumstances allegedly involving state corruption, Drummond says Oklahoma’s earlier lawyer common had left such investigations and potential prosecution to county district attorneys. He emphasizes that the state Office of Attorney General shouldn’t neglect its duty.

“Over the past several years, Oklahomans have been inundated with news stories of scandal and corruption,” he mentioned. “It’s little wonder that so many citizens lose faith in their governmental institutions. Oklahoma taxpayers deserve true accountability for wrongdoing. My office will be working to investigate recent allegations and take appropriate action in the best interest of justice.”

Ensuring governmental transparency

The new Attorney General has vowed to implement the Open Records and Open Meetings Act to make sure transparency in governance, in accordance with Drummond.

“Citizens should not have to sue their own government to receive records to which they are clearly entitled,” Drummond mentioned. “As Attorney General, I will demand transparency. I plan to aggressively enforce Oklahoma’s open records and open meetings laws across state government.”

Drummond is the nineteenth Oklahoman to serve as Attorney General.

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