Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ex-Texas cop Aaron Dean gets 12 years for killing Atatiana Jefferson


The former Texas police officer who was convicted final week within the 2019 deadly taking pictures of 28-year-old Atatiana Jefferson was sentenced to almost 11 years and 10 months in jail on Tuesday.

Aaron Dean, a white Fort Worth officer who shot Jefferson by means of the window of her house whereas responding to a name from a neighbor about an open entrance door on Oct. 12, 2019, was convicted by a jury of manslaughter final week. 

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The jury’s choice was a uncommon conviction of an officer who shot and killed somebody whereas they have been additionally armed. Much of Dean’s trial centered round whether or not he knew when he shot Jefferson, a Black girl, that she had a gun. 

Protesters gather outside the house, right, where Atatiana Jefferson was shot and killed by police, during a community vigil for Jefferson on Oct. 13, 2019, in Fort Worth, Texas.

Jefferson’s nephew Zion Carr, 8 on the time of the taking pictures, who was current and enjoying video video games when she was shot, testified his aunt grabbed a gun when she heard noises exterior. He stated that they had left the door open to air out the home after burning hamburgers. Dean’s former accomplice, Carol Darch, stated she did not see Jefferson’s gun and did not hear Dean say he noticed a gun.

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