Sunday, June 16, 2024

Safeguard Healthcare ‘Relieves Liability’ for Employers

Gar Thompson

By Lois Thomson

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Florida-based Safeguard Healthcare, a division of Safeguard Solutions, LLC, is a healthcare consulting and staffing group that provides three major companies, in keeping with CEO Gar Thompson: “Number one is contracted services, where we contract with our client to provide staffing on an as-needed basis,” he defined. “The second is what’s known as contract-to-hire. If you contract with Safeguard for six months and also you just like the candidate, you may rent them for no payment.

“Our third service is called permanent placement. That’s where we charge a fee for a hospital or health organization to hire someone, and we give them a 90-day guarantee; if that person doesn’t work out, we replace them with someone else, and we also offer a refund if we’re not able to replace someone that the client organization ultimately hires on a permanent basis.”

He identified that by providing such assurances, Safeguard has a 95 % success price. “By the time we submit a person, we’ve done a full criminal background check, we’ve done employment checks, we do references, we do drug testing. And if the clients request it, we do clinical lab testing, so we can test them for mumps, rubella, COVID, TB, etc., to prove they aren’t sick when they go to work. This is particularly important for candidates interacting with patients. We conform to the client’s HR policies. Also, the candidate has already agreed to take the job if it’s offered.”

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An further benefit to utilizing Safeguard Healthcare’s companies is that with the corporate’s contract sources, the shopper doesn’t want a cause to terminate an worker. “In a normal employment environment, you have to have employment issues in order to fire someone, or you could get sued. So we take all that liability off the client.” He mentioned even when the difficulty is one thing minor and unrelated to work, the employer doesn’t have to provide a cause. “That way they don’t have to deal with unemployment laws or the consequences of lawsuits. That’s because the people in their employ don’t work for the client, they work for Safeguard, so we’re kind of a buffer for legal and employment problems. It’s a big plus and it relieves a lot of liability.”

Founded in 2010, Safeguard Healthcare initially targeted strictly on IT and medical data. And then got here COVID. Thompson mentioned 2020 and 2021 had been powerful years as hospitals needed to in the reduction of on different companies to focus on treating COVID sufferers. However, when issues began to return to regular, he mentioned he bought a name asking, “We heard you’re a staffing company, can you do central supply?”

The reply was sure, and Thompson continued, “So, we started providing central supply people, and then HR plugged us into other departments – food services, nursing, housekeeping. Hospitals after COVID had tremendous staffing shortages, and they were having trouble finding people for these departments.” Healthcare amenities turned aware of Safeguard’s title and the corporate’s capacity to seek out certified candidates, so in 2021 Safeguard modified its choices to incorporate non-IT departments.

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Now, whereas Safeguard Healthcare provides staffing wants for medical work, medical lab scientists, laboratory technicians, X-ray technicians, and nursing – nearly each space besides docs, IT continues to be its major focus. And Thompson identified that IT in hospitals is rather more specialised than in different industries, as a result of the number of medical departments make the most of so many alternative software program merchandise. “There are specialty products for clinical lab, pharmacy, radiology, acute care nursing, emergency services, etc. – they all have different software products and they vary from hospital to hospital. Surgery scheduling, appointment scheduling, insurance reimbursement, Medicare – there are so many moving parts that don’t exist in other industries.”

How does Safeguard discover its certified candidates? “We have a team of highly skilled recruiters,” Thompson mentioned. “We’re plugged into all of the HR and recruitment databases, and we’ve got an existing network of a couple of thousand candidates at any given time we can pull from.” He mentioned all comparable corporations have a look at the identical candidates, however the distinction is the way you strategy candidates, the way you current the gives. “We have to go in and convince these employees why they should leave their current jobs and go to another one. It’s usually not money, but rather career opportunities, upward mobility, geographics. Post-COVID we have a lot more people working remotely, particularly in IT; so 50 percent of our IT people are now remote, whereas nursing, clinical staff, housekeeping, and food services are naturally still in the hospitals.”

Whether for IT or different departments, distant or in-house, Safeguard is ready to discover the assured resolution for staffing wants.

For extra information, name (954) 412-2075, electronic mail [email protected], or go to

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