Wednesday, June 26, 2024

5 yoga asanas to keep the body warm and strong

The greatest manner to fight the chilly is to snuggle deep into our cosy blankets and keep the body warm. However, this will make you might have all-day drowsiness and fatigue. Sedentary behaviour like this over time could even exacerbate different troubles corresponding to joint ache. So, if it’s about holding your body warm, there are a number of different preventive measures that you would be able to go for. Yoga, happily, can rescue you.

Yoga asanas to keep the body warm

Your body’s capability to battle off virus and diseases could also be hampered by chilly climate. However, you could assist your self keep wholesome throughout winter by holding your body warm. And the greatest answer for that’s yoga.

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To discover somet yoga poses to keep the body warm and strong throughout winter, HealthShots spoke to Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder, Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre, who listed down just a few asanas to keep match.

yoga asanas to keep the body warm
Yoga can keep temperature adjustments in your body. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“Practicing yoga every morning helps keep your mind and body active because it elevates your heart rate and core temperature, which expands blood vessels and improves circulation in your muscles—a definite win when muscles are stiffer in the colder months. This can keep you warm and strong,” explains Akshar.

Here are 5 yoga poses to beat the chilly climate:

1. Hasta uttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Here’s how to carry out this pose:

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  • Holding the pose of Pranamasan, prolong upwards whereas lifting your joint palms above your head.
  • With your head, neck, and higher again, make somewhat arch.
  • Make certain your arms are shut to your ears as you lean your higher body again.
  • Keep your eyes fastened on the sky.

Also learn: Digestion in winter: 5 yoga poses to reset your intestine well being

2. Padahastasana (Standing ahead bend pose)

Here’s how to carry out this pose:

  • As you exhale, gently decrease your hips together with your higher body whereas sustaining HasthaUttanasan, tucking your nostril between your knees.
  • On both aspect of your toes, place your palms.
  • If you’re a newbie, you would possibly want to barely bend your knees to full this.
  • As you achieve ability, attempt to carry your thighs into contact together with your chest whereas progressively straightening your knees.
  • Put your nostril between your legs and let gravity naturally carry you decrease.
yoga asanas to keep the body warm
Standing ahead bending pose is the easiest factor you are able to do to keep your body warm. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Ustrasana (Camel pose)

Here’s how to carry out this pose:

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  • Kneel in ustrasana on the yoga mat and place your arms in your hips.
  • Arch your again, straighten your arms and cross your palms over your toes.
  • Avoid flexing or straining your neck by holding it in a impartial place.
  • Remain on this place for a lot of breaths.
  • Complete a radical exhalation earlier than slowly resuming your unique place. As you stand tall, pull your arms again and relaxation them in your hips.

Also learn: Get rid of neck and shoulder ache with these easy-to-do yoga poses

4. Halasana (Plough pose)

Here’s how to carry out this pose:

  • While mendacity in your again, increase your legs 90 levels by contracting your belly muscular tissues.
  • Press your palms firmly into the floor and let your legs fall again behind your head whereas permitting your decrease again and center again to carry off the ground such that your toes could contact the ground behind you.
  • If it makes you extra snug, you may help your again by bending your arms at the elbows whereas holding your arms flat on the ground.
  • Remain in the place for just a few breaths.
(*5*) yoga asanas to keep the body warm
Halasana might help you keep warm all through the day. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Here’s how to carry out this pose:

  • Lie flat in your abdomen together with your palms beneath your shoulders, holding your toes collectively and your toes on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath in (Purak), maintain it for just a few seconds (Kumbakh), and then increase your head, shoulders, and body at a 30-degree angle.
  • Make certain your head is barely pushed upward, your shoulders are broad, and your navel stays firmly planted on the ground.
  • Applying stress to your toes can open the channels that lead to your decrease again, the Sun (proper), and Moon (left).

Start your yoga follow early in the day. Early yoga follow could make you fairly lively and transfer your whole body. Make certain to finish your follow in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and embrace some respiration workouts or meditation time in your schedule.



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