Home News Florida YES! patrols Ybor offering help to businesses and patrons

YES! patrols Ybor offering help to businesses and patrons

YES! patrols Ybor offering help to businesses and patrons


TAMPA, Fla. — In the historic district of Ybor City, a gaggle of volunteers in yellow shirts patrol the streets in search of any indicators of a criminal offense or one thing that wants to be cleaned up. The group is named YES! Also generally known as the Ybor Environmental Services.

What You Need To Know

  • YES! volunteers patrol Ybor City offering help to businesses and patrons     
  • The group helps to clear up trash across the group
  • Volunteers additionally reviews crimes to police     

Yes! was established in 2000 and some volunteers have change into fixtures in the neighborhood, together with 83-year-old Bob Alorda, who has volunteered with the group for 17 years. He patrols the realm at night time and visits with enterprise homeowners.

“I’ll are available and get a glass of water, then they begin rapping with you,” he said. “If they don’t, every part is cool and I maintain going.”

As he strolls the sidewalks, he makes it some extent to shake fingers with strangers.

“Enjoy life and you got to enjoy life with people,” he stated.

Alorda says he has a deep love for the group and speaks about Ybor City with pleasure, calling his volunteer work a approach to give again.

Residents and enterprise homeowners say the work Yes! does doesn’t go unnoticed. Miguel Melendez, who works within the space, says he loves the thought of getting further eyes looking out or if somebody simply wants help.

“It helps a lot of people — people that need directions, advice, help, you know how it is,” he stated.


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