Home News Texas John Cornyn supports allowing exceptions to Texas abortion law for rape, incest

John Cornyn supports allowing exceptions to Texas abortion law for rape, incest

Sen. John Cornyn on Friday mentioned he would allow exceptions for circumstances of rape and incest in legal guidelines limiting abortion that will likely be triggered in Texas if Roe vs. Wade is abolished.

“I would permit those exceptions, but I understand others have strongly held feelings to the contrary,” Cornyn mentioned throughout a recording of Lone Star Politics, a political present produced by KXAS (NBC 5) and The Dallas Morning News.

Cornyn, who’s towards abortion, careworn that he respects the correct of the Legislature to go abortion-related legal guidelines. And he supports the view that Roe vs. Wade ought to be scrapped. Earlier this month a leaked draft opinion foreshadowed that the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to strike down the law, which in 1973 legalized abortions.

DNA Exoneree Johnny Pinchback (left) visits with United States Senator John Cornyn of Texas...
DNA Exoneree Johnny Pinchback (left) visits with United States Senator John Cornyn of Texas (proper) earlier than a roundtable dialogue in regards to the Justice for All Reauthorization Act on the University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) Medical Education & Training Building in Fort Worth, January 25, 2022. Pinchback was launched from jail in 2011 after spending 27 years for two counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault. He was cleared by means of DNA testing. The Act, handed initially in 2016, would defend survivors and the wrongfully accused as well as to enhancing post-conviction DNA testing and enhance assets for forensic labs to cut back the rape package and legal circumstances backlog. (Tom Fox/Staff Photographer)

“This is a very sensitive issue and one that has to be decided by the Texas Legislature,” Cornyn mentioned. “That’s not going to be a determination that the federal government will make, if this decision holds up.”

Texas has already handed a law that may set off into impact as soon as Roe vs. Wade is nullified. The law handed in 2021 would kick in 30 days after the court docket’s ruling and make those that preform or assist present an abortion topic to a felony. The solely exception in that law is that if there may be danger for the affected person’s life or “substantial impairment of major bodily function.” Doctors who carry out abortions not allowed underneath the law might face life in jail and up to $100,000 in fines.

The law doesn’t embody exceptions for rape, incest or fetal abnormalities.

Shock waves as leak reveals Supreme Court poised to nullify Roe v. Wade and abortion rights

Some analysts predict the battle over abortion rights will spill over into the 2022 midterm elections, maybe offering vitality to each side of the talk.

Cornyn mentioned Texas voters would have an opportunity to weigh in on Texas’ abortion legal guidelines.

“If the voters don’t like it, they can remove them from office,” Cornyn mentioned of candidates within the 2022 elections. “That sort of discussion will occur in more earnest instead of previously, when that was taken off the table because of the Roe decision.”

Lone Star Politics airs Sunday at 8:30 a.m. on NBC 5.

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