Home News Texas Houston City Council approves funding to fight firefighters in court again

Houston City Council approves funding to fight firefighters in court again

Houston City Council approves funding to fight firefighters in court again


Houston City Council voted overwhelmingly to fund but some other prison struggle with its long-suffering firefighters who have been operating with out contract since 2014.

The preliminary price ticket is just about a part million taxpayer greenbacks to fund out of doors attorneys and mavens.

“From the City’s perspective it has a duty to safeguard the interests of the taxpayers in this litigation,” mentioned Arturo Michel.

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“When people talk about having litigation with the City, this is what comes with the territory,” mentioned Council Member Edward Pollard.

At factor, is a newly handed state regulation making sure that once a City and its firefighters are not able to agree on hard work phrases, an unbiased arbiter will settle the dispute.

In Austin, the measure handed with close to unanimous reinforce, together with the votes of each and every unmarried member of the Harris County delegation.

And but the City of Houston is now asking a Judge to claim the measure unconstitutional.

SUGGESTED: Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner pushes again on advancing regulation forcing town into binding arbitration

“It would create a huge financial obligation on behalf of the City,” mentioned Mayor Sylvester Turner.

Reaction from the Firefighter’s Union was once swift and cruel.

“They have now green-lighted the use of taxpayer funds and the City is going to lose,” mentioned Marty Lancton, President of the Houston Professional Firefighters Association.

The renewal of prison fight brought about a livid reaction from the brand new regulation’s sponsor State Senator and Mayoral Candidate John Whitmire.

“We are trying to save money and save lives and you are not going to do it at the courthouse,” mentioned Whitmire.

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Others in quest of the highest activity at City Hall had been too keen to label the Council’s choice to litigate “wasteful”.

 “This is something that’s been approved. It’s not unconstitutional. It’s a loser argument,” mentioned lawyer and mayoral candidate Lee Kaplan.

 “Not only is that throwing good money after bad, that is just a waste of taxpayer dollars. I think its time that we move on from this issue,” mentioned mayoral candidate and previous Metro Chairman Gilbert Garcia.

Lurking underneath the most recent litigation is the worry of many throughout the Turner management and on Council of a huge legal responsibility for annual pay hikes and advantages doubtlessly owed firefighters stretching again to 2017.


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