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Woman shares why she believes father of her children didn’t murder her sister

Woman shares why she believes father of her children didn’t murder her sister


SAN ANTONIO – A San Antonio lady is status through the father of her children, who’s accused of killing his spouse.

Guadalupe Contreras used to be charged with the 2017 murder of Elizabeth Contreras after her frame used to be discovered within the 12800 block of Old Corpus Christi Road.

Guadalupe Contreras’ case went to trial in June however led to a mistrial because of evidentiary problems.

“He’s innocent,” Alice De Leon Diaz mentioned all through an interview with 12 on Wednesday.

Guadalupe Contreras is the father to Diaz’s children, and Elizabeth Contreras is Diaz’s sister.

During the trial, Diaz, who used to be subpoenaed through the state, couldn’t discuss and wasn’t allowed to take a seat within the court. She believes the testimony she heard whilst the case used to be ongoing is wrong.

“They said I called the cops to say there was blood on the clothes, which I didn’t,” Diaz mentioned.

As for the ones garments, they have been proven in court docket and gave the impression to have blood stains. However, Diaz mentioned the day the alleged murder passed off, she picked up Contreras from paintings and didn’t see blood on him.

“If I had seen blood being the whole drama that’s going on, wouldn’t I have said something?” Diaz mentioned.

Other key proof offered within the trial used to be GPS information from Guadalupe Contreras’ paintings automobile, which confirmed that he used to be within the space the place Elizabeth Contreras’ frame used to be discovered.

Diaz mentioned there used to be development on U.S. 281 on the time, and there used to be no manner he would have had time to devote murder.

“They’re saying he did this in 51 minutes,” Diaz mentioned. “How can you do a crime in 51 minutes? I mean, especially when you don’t have a criminal record.”

As for the case itself, Contreras used to be at the docket Wednesday, however his protection will now be submitting an attraction within the case. The attraction is attempting to stop the case from shifting ahead with a retrial.

The 4th Court of Appeals will make that call, however it is going to take a while to rule at the subject.

In the period in-between, Alice mentioned she and her circle of relatives will proceed to attend to peer how this may play out, however she says she hopes the suitable particular person is held liable for her sister’s murder.

“I want justice for Elizabeth, believe me, I do. I want to know what happened to her,” Diaz mentioned.


Judge proclaims mistrial in 2017 murder case after new proof presented

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