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White House estimates 3.5M federal workers will go without pay in government shutdown

White House estimates 3.5M federal workers will go without pay in government shutdown

Two million of them will be army.

September 29, 2023, 1:13 PM

The White House estimates that 3.5 million federal workers will must go without pay if the government shuts down. Roughly 2 million of them will be army.

The tough tally comes as House Republicans combat to push thru spending expenses that might stay the government open in the brand new price range 12 months.

Absent a last-minute bipartisan deal, which seems not going, federal companies are anticipated to curb a lot in their paintings and require many workers to paintings without pay.

In addition to the two million army carrier contributors, the White House Office of Management and Budget estimates 1.5 million federal civilian workers will go without pay.

About 820,000 of the ones federal workers will be despatched house, or “furloughed.”

The U.S. Capitol Building is proven on Aug. 1, 2023 in Washington.

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The remainder of the group of workers will be required to turn as much as paintings, additionally without pay. That comprises legislation enforcement, border and jail guards, in addition to air visitors controllers.

“What would a shutdown mean? More than 2 million service members wouldn’t get their paycheck. Long-term disaster recovery would be further delayed. Nutrition assistance for nearly 7 million women and children who rely on WIC would be jeopardized. Small businesses would lose out on more than $100 million a day in loans,” OMB Director Shalanda Young mentioned at Friday’s White House press briefing.

“What kind of choice is that?” she added.

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