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When You Strongly Disagree with Someone: How to Find Common Ground

When You Strongly Disagree with Someone: How to Find Common Ground

“The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.” ~Pema Chodron

I used to be lately having dinner with a bunch of associates, and I casually talked about that I’ve been making extra effort in my life to assist forestall local weather change.

Across the desk, somebody seemed straight at me and stated, “You know human-induced climate change isn’t real, right?”

I used to be shocked as a result of I’ve identified this individual for years and we’ve all the time agreed on essential matters previously. I instantly shot again with, “Umm, yes it is!” and proceeded to inform him precisely why he was so fallacious.

I’ll spare you the gory particulars, however let’s simply say the remainder of the dialog didn’t go properly. It step by step obtained an increasing number of heated till we have been the one two individuals speaking (learn: yelling) at one another throughout the desk.

In the tip, somebody shut the argument down by saying, “You’ll just have to agree to disagree.” We each took the trace, retreated into our corners, and glared at one another for the remainder of the night.

A number of days later, I used to be relating the incident to one other pal. In all honesty, I used to be in search of an ally who would assist stoke my righteous indignation. But as a substitute of nodding and agreeing with me, she stated, “It sounds a lot like you were trying to force your beliefs on him and got mad when he wouldn’t back down.”

This remark caught with me, and over time I used to be compelled to admit she was appropriate. I used to be so caught up in being proper that I had refused to settle for anybody may consider in a different way. Even worse, emotion had fully taken over, and I’d made no effort to discover widespread floor or try to see issues from a special perspective.

In hindsight, I’ve realized I used to be lacking the bigger reality that all of us consider we’re seeing the world correctly. Our entrenched beliefs change into a part of our id as a result of they assist us make sense of the chaotic world we reside in. And when somebody holds a radically totally different view to our personal, it shakes the inspiration of our personal beliefs and makes us really feel off steadiness and insecure.

But the nice news is, irrespective of how in a different way you see the world from another person, there’s all the time a method to discover some widespread floor. Here are six ideas I’ve discovered to assist have productive, respectful conversations and open your thoughts to totally different views.

1. Focus on the end result.

When you get slowed down arguing about specifics, take the argument up as many ranges as you want till you discover widespread floor.

For instance, within the case of local weather change, we may have each simply agreed that the setting is essential and we would like to depart the world a greater place for our children. We simply have totally different views on how to get there. This is an effective way to reset the dialog since you’re centered on discussing the end result somewhat than profitable the argument.

2. Understand their perspective.

Learning the underlying cause why somebody believes one thing can assist you see a special aspect of the difficulty. It may not change your thoughts, however it can assist you deal with the opposite individual with extra empathy and provide you with contemporary concepts to focus on.

For instance, somebody’s refusal to settle for local weather change could be brought on by concern concerning the adverse results it can have on their life. Maybe transitioning to renewable power means they may lose their job or be compelled to change their way of life in methods they don’t need to settle for.

If you’ll be able to perceive these underlying considerations, you’ll be more likely to discover widespread floor and have a productive dialogue.

3. Separate emotion from logic.

A anxious argument can hijack the prefrontal cortex—the a part of the mind chargeable for crucial pondering and decision-making. When this occurs, you go into “fight or flight” mode and change into extra doubtless to react emotionally, assume much less creatively, and say issues with out pondering them by means of.

The subsequent time you end up getting indignant or defensive in an argument, take a step again and check out to de-escalate your feelings by acknowledging them. Once you’re feeling extra logical and calm, you can begin to search for widespread floor once more.

4. Practice lively listening.

Active listening is a communication method that entails listening to, paraphrasing, and responding to what the opposite individual is saying. It’s an important talent for locating widespread floor as a result of it exhibits that you just’re genuinely fascinated about understanding their perspective.

The subsequent time you’re in an argument, strive repeating again what the opposite individual has stated in several phrases to be sure you’ve understood them accurately. Then, add your perspective to what they’ve stated. For instance, “I can see why you feel that way, but I also think…”

5. Be aware of your personal biases.

We all have biases—it’s a part of being human. We need to win arguments, be proper, and be appreciated, so it’s simple to fall into the lure of solely listening to information that helps our perspective.

In this case, I used to be compelled to admit that I haven’t truly learn any of the local weather change analysis myself. My beliefs are nearly solely based mostly on present in a bubble with different like-minded individuals who reinforce these beliefs.

Exposing your self to totally different views—even in the event you don’t agree with them—can assist you assume extra critically about your personal beliefs. It would possibly even assist you discover widespread floor the place you thought there was none.

6. Remember that differing views are essential.

If everybody agreed on every part, the world can be a fairly boring place. But much more importantly, differing concepts assist to push society ahead. They problem us to assume critically about our personal beliefs and are available up with new options to issues.

So the following time you end up in an argument with somebody, strive to see it as a chance to be taught and develop somewhat than an opportunity to show your level. You would possibly simply be shocked at how a lot widespread floor you could find.

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